Roma-Genoa: ready for the Greece 2.0 model?

How can a season characterized by bans, closures, inhibitions and limited tickets end? With a closed guest area, of course! The motivation? The recent affairs that concerned the two Genoese fans. Not the rivalry between Roma fans and Genoa fans. Not a specific incident happened inside the stadium. None of this. By now theObservatory he stands – as Lorenzo Contucci well said in one of his posts – as a “sports judge of the fans”, examining facts and contexts that have nothing to do with a normal assignment of danger to the matches examined. “Sales prohibited to residents in Liguria”, one of the new ONMS stratagems, with which in a rather pathetic way they would like to make people believe that in reality travel has not been prohibited, but only prohibited to the geographical area where – for them gentlemen – they reside the “bad” fans. In reality they know well, especially in these cases, that closing the sale in the region of origin of a team, which certainly does not boast thousands of followers throughout the country, means closing the sector. Which in fact, the day after this decision, Roma decided to put on sale to their fans. The sad thing is that now everything happens and continues in the silence of everyone, including the fans. For a year and a half now, the cleaver of the ban has come back strongly and, as already said in the past, inexorably – if we don’t try in some way to bring the issue back into vogue – this path will lead to fully following the Greek model: away games banned in 90 percent of matches.

After all, it’s almost mathematical: does something happen in match X? I forbid you to travel from here for the rest of your life. It goes without saying that sooner or later the matches will end and the away sectors will be completely inhibited. But the level has risen incredibly: theObservatory has completely abandoned – or rather no longer even poses the problem of pretending – the role of an organ capable only of giving indications to Prefects and Quaestors, effectively becoming a tyrannical censor, who with his cleavers makes a clean sweep without too many scruples. Now dealing with issues far beyond football ones. And punishing, as is done with children and in a completely unconstitutional way, without taking the slightest consideration of individual responsibility. The question that a person with gray matter should ask is: but if there are tensions between the Dorians and the Genoans in Genoa, why ban both from traveling? What would be the risk involved? The reality is that it doesn’t seem true to some that they can now appeal to every detail, in the name of public order, to bypass their work and sit comfortably behind a table with a nice plate of baked pasta, instead of organizing a minimum order public. Roma-Genoa without the Grifone supporters, it is simply a meaningless match. But do you know what the even worse thing is? The exaltation of the small crowd of rossoblù non-residents in Liguria and present in the upper corner of Monte Mario. “The indomitable” some commentators were quick to say, omitting that the only indomitable thing is the shame with which away fans in Italy are handled. Not even a mention of the ban. Because we probably don’t even know, we don’t even waste time addressing certain issues. It is precisely from this indifference that the Greece 2.0 model will be born. But obviously, as good Italians, we will realize it when it is too late (assuming it isn’t already!).

Coming to today’s challenge: precisely by virtue of the above, l’Olympic records its attendance record since the restyling was carried out in view of Italia ’90, with 67,334 spectators. A bit in contrast to the classic last day at home, the Roma fans also responded with excellent support. The South holds its own for the entire ninety minutes, showing off with granite blows and long-lasting choruses; the many smoke bombs lit in unison in the area are notable Falcon Brigadewith the historic banners of Settecamini to stand out among the dense blanket. In the North he ended with a flourish: the first half on the wall, with lots of smoke bombs and flags, and the second half below, in an attempt – successful – to give the team a decisive push. Who in the end will get the three points thanks to Lukaku’s goal. A final day that seals the great year of the boys who follow the race from the window on the guest side. A year in which they often managed to drag along the entire sector, showing off with significant banners, discreet use of pyrotechnics and always refined material. Since the post-Covid period, it is undeniable that they have given an extra boost to Roma support, but also all those who experience the stadium as ultras and find themselves scattered in groups and small groups in the Tiber (the smoke bomb against Bayer Leverkusen was without doubt the apex). Of note is the memory of two iconic figures for Roma fans: the first is that of Roberto Rulli, who passed away on 17 May thirty-four years ago and is remembered by a banner displayed by Quadraro Group and by the chorus punctuated by the entire curve. The second is that of Luca Carroccia, who died prematurely in 2006.

As mentioned, Roma prevailed 1-0 and concluded their home season with a tour of the pitch (in front of few actually, given that no one bothered to warn the public). Greeted with great affection is the ex Kevin Strootman, who goes to get chants and applause right under the South.

Simone Meloni

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2024-05-21 11:21:20
#RomaGenoa #ready #Greece #model


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