Robot Umpires Unlikely to Debut in Major League Baseball Before 2025


According to Major League Baseball, robot umpires are unlikely to debut in 2025.

“We still have some technical issues,” Commissioner Rob Manfred acknowledged Thursday during a news conference after the owners meetings. “We haven’t progressed as much in the minor leagues as we expected this year. I think it is less likely to be approved before the 25th.”

Major League Baseball has been experimenting with the Automatic Ball and Strike Marking System (ABS) in the minors since 2019. It will be used at all Triple A parks this year for the second consecutive season.

The first three games in each series use only a robot, and the last three games use a human with a problematic system.

“Based on what we hear from players, there is a growing consensus on how the challenge format should be used if we want to reach the majors, at least as a starting point.” “I think it will be a good decision.”

After implementing a pitch clock in 2023, Major League Baseball slowed the pace of innovation this year, making only minor adjustments to the rules.

“One thing we learned with the changes we went through last year was that we need to take more time to make sure the decision wasn’t necessarily minor,” Manfred said. “I think we’ll use the same strategy here.”

DRESSJohn Slusher, Nike’s executive vice president of global sports marketing, was harshly criticized by owners for the company’s new jerseys.

The uniform will be changed until 2025.

Major League Baseball and Nike announced on May 3 that the uniforms will have larger lettering on the numbers and the ability to customize the pants will be available to all players starting in 2025.

“I think they took responsibility for the problems with the new uniforms and their fitting,” Manfred said. “This is the first time owners have heard this directly from Nike. They were consistent with me about taking responsibility.

Manfred said Nike has indicated it will address “lettering, custom pants, sweat prints and inconsistencies in shades of gray.”

2024-05-25 01:08:23
#Major #League #Baseball #accept #robot #umpires


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