Roberto Escamilla Cisneros from Juarez Prepares for 3D World Archery Tournament in Slovenia

Roberto Escamilla Cisneros from Juarez is preparing to participate in the 3D World Archery Tournament, which will take place in Slovenia from September 30 to October 6 of this year.

Escamilla Cisneros obtained her ticket during the tournament that took place in Aguascalientes on April 14, by achieving the required mark.

The Juárez goalkeeper wants to take advantage of his 18 years of experience to get on the podium and bring a medal for Mexico.

Escamilla has a silver medal won in the 2021 Pan American Championships, which took place in Monterrey, Nuevo León.

He also won a bronze and a silver medal in the National Olympics during the year 2010 to 2015.

He represented the Autonomous University of Ciudad Juárez, giving a fifth place individually and a fourth place for a team.

In addition, the naked bow specialist participated in his first World Championship in 2022, which was held in Italy.

This year they will seek to make history in the European city of Mokrice, where they will compete in modalities such as compound, naked bow, bow and traditional bow.

Roberto Escamilla Cisneros
Age: 30 years
He was born on April 1, 1994 in Ciudad Juárez
Discipline: Archery (Barebow)
Experience: 18 years
Honors: Olympics from 2010 to 2015, one silver and one bronze; UACJ team, a fifth individual and fourth place in teams at the Universiade, a silver medal at the 2021 Pan American Championships, in 2022 they competed in the 3D World Cup in Italy.

2024-05-23 21:48:02
#Roberto #Escamilla #prepares #World #Archery #Tournament #Rafaga #Chihuahua


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