Revolutionizing Badminton Training with MultiSenseBadminton: A Breakthrough in Technique Improvement Using AI

Korean and American researchers have developed a set of biomechanical data, MultiSenseBadminton, with the aim of improving badminton players’ technique, thanks to a training assistant based on artificial intelligence.

The badmintonthis fun and technical sport, which resonates both in school gymnasiums and on the Olympic stage, has nearly 200,000 licensees at the French Badminton Federation. But behind the apparent simplicity of this game hides a remarkable technique, difficult to acquire.

This is why, a team of Korean and American researchers revealed, in a study published on April 5, 2024 in the journal Scientific Data, a set of biomechanical data called MultiSenseBadminton, to analyze players’ practice. Their objective ? Develop training assistants based on artificial intelligence (AI) for driving enthusiasts.

“A shortage of datasets in badminton”

These personalized assistants, guided by AI, use cameras and sensors strategically positioned on athletes’ bodies to capture every joint movement pattern, muscle activation levels and even gaze movements. By analyzing this data, the AI ​​offers personalized feedback on the player’s technique, as well as recommendations for progress.

And justly, “Badminton could benefit from these different sensors, but there is a shortage of comprehensive badminton action data sets for analysis and training feedback”explains Minwoo Seong, first author of the study, in a statement.

Also read:Corner, strategy, recruitment… What place for AI in football?

Rethinking badminton training with technology

Badminton requires precise execution of each shot. Badistas must demonstrate sharp reflexes, adopt perfect stance and master both the power and speed of their arm. So many elements that a coach can hardly correct simultaneously, in particular, for beginners who are not yet familiar with the basic movements of badminton, the acquisition of a swing posture and the use of[…]


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2024-05-14 14:56:19
#progress #badminton


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