Renata Zarazúa: Making Waves as Mexico’s Best Tennis Player in Roland Garros

One more time, Renata Zarazúa shows that she is currently the best Mexican tennis player of the moment. For the second time this year, the Aztec got her pass to a Grand Slamthe first was in Australia and now it will be in Roland Garros.

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The 26-year-old Aztec did not need to enter the qualy to seek access to the paris tournament. They startle He enters the main draw thanks to his work in the last year and the good luck of some losses in the tournament.

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Although she is not the most experienced tennis player in the clay court tournament, she does know the feeling. In 2020 she played the Parisian tournament for the first time and although she passed the first round, in the second she was eliminated.

In 2021 and 2022 he was not so lucky to enter the main draw. In the tournament qualy, he stayed in the first round, so he was left wanting to repeat what he had done before.

Now you will have a new opportunity in Roland Garros, but without going through the complicated qualifying round. In the coming days he could know his fate in the second Grand Slam tournament of the year.


As already said, the Mexican Renata Zarazúa He played his first major in 2020 when he earned a place at Roland Garros. This year is probably the best of his career, since at the beginning of 2024 he entered the main draw of Australia.

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Now, with its classification Roland Garroswill play his third Grand Slam of his entire career.

In addition, this year it also had a good participation in the WTA 125 of Parmawhere he fell in the semifinals, leaving an important performance.

Despite the result, Renata will be located in 99th place in the ranking of the WTA starting Monday, May 20.

2024-05-17 19:14:48
#Mexican #pride #Renata #Zarazúa #achieves #historic #achievement #tennis


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