Redemption Through Judo: A New Series Based on Luigi Garlando’s Book

Entertainment Editorial Team

The project based on Luigi Garlando’s book «O Maé – Storia di Judo e di camorra» debuts in ten episodes, featuring a boy who finds redemption and avoids a doomed destiny through judo

On the occasion of Legality Day, which is celebrated on May 23rd, RaiPlay offers this new series whose protagonist is a boy from Scampia who, through friendship, judo and the guidance of maestro Maddaloni, finds the strength to rebel against a destiny already marked by organized crime. It is the story of Francesco, 15 years old, born and raised in Scampia, on the outskirts of Naples, with a fugitive father, a rarely present mother and an older brother, called Ninja, who makes his way in the Camorra. His destiny seems already written, but the meeting with the Maddaloni Judo gym offers him one more possibility.

It is precisely judo that teaches discipline and respect towards the opponent, and in this way he comes into contact with a group of boys who soon become his faithful friends. The boys of the Maddaloni Clan are young people who want to change their destiny by emancipating themselves from the Camorra system, young people who believe in the power of good, just as happens daily and in reality in that gym. Among these, in the series, there is also Ginevra: daughter of Francesco’s Italian teacher, she teaches the latter that one must have the courage to make choices, and this is what marks one’s destiny. The series is based on the bestselling novel «O Maé – Storia di Judo e di camorra» by Luigi Garlando (published by Mondadori Libri in the bestBUR series), inspired by the true story of Gianni Maddaloni’s gym in Scampia. Directed by Daniele Barbiero, the ten-episode series stars actors such as Antonio Milo (in the role of Maddaloni, ‘O Maé), Maikol De Falco (Francesco), Elisa Del Genio (Geneva).

May 23, 2024 (modified May 23, 2024 | 08:34)


2024-05-23 09:23:29
#Clan #Choose #destiny #RaiPlay #series #inspired #Maddalonis #gym #Scampia


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