Red Dead Redemption Expansion Rumors: Coming to Xbox Game Pass and PS Plus Premium?

The original Red Dead Redemption, one of Rockstar’s biggest hits, is being expanded to more subscription services, according to a new leak. u/Timtendo12 on Reddit claims that Red Dead Redemption could be coming to Xbox Game Pass and PS Plus Premium because they found a hidden string on the game’s website that mentions those services. The hidden string on the game’s website reads: “Available on Nintendo Switch, PS3, PlayStation Plus Premium for PS4 and PS5, Xbox 360 and Xbox Game Pass for Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S.”

The poster added in a GTA forums post that the site is filled with placeholders, meaning it could be anything, so take the leak with a pinch of salt.

Red Dead Redemption supposedly coming to PC soon?!

Red Dead Redemption was originally released in 2010 and then ported to PS4 and Switch in 2023. At the moment, you can purchase the game or use the GTA+ subscription (PS5 and Xbox Series X|S only) to play the game almost anywhere. While the mention of Xbox Game Pass and PS Plus could hint at something bigger, it’s more likely that the existing game releases will simply find their way to new subscription services.

None of these leaks mention PC, with the leaked string specifically mentioning Xbox Game Pass and not PC platforms like Steam or Epic Games Store. According to previous leaks, the PC version of Red Dead Redemption should be coming soon, and the hidden website strings mention that Red Dead Redemption and the Undead Nightmare expansion are playable on PC.

Leaks about Xbox Game Pass are increasing – CoD will soon be there too?!

There have also been leaks about Call of Duty and the possibility of it being added to Xbox Game Pass for the next title (probably Black Ops 6 Gulf War). So things are getting hot around Game Pass. We still have to wait and see what and how it will ultimately change, but it should be soon, so stay patient! Because it’s unknown whether these leaks are even related, but we’ll have to wait until the official announcement to know for sure.

2024-05-21 21:48:52
#Leaked #code #shows #Red #Dead #Redemption #coming #Xbox #Game #Pass


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