Rebuilding Life: An Interview with Freddy Guarín about Recovery, Family, and Love

SEMANA: Freddy Guarín, welcome to SEMANA. How is Freddy Guarín today?

FG: I’m happy, I wouldn’t change it for anything in the world. I’m living day to day. I really want to be able to live a normal, calm, planned life. Today I am completely at peace and eager to live the life of a normal person, a person who gets up, trains, works, comes home at night and rests.

WEEK: What happened to you? In networks he has been seen drinking, in bad family situations, crying…

FG: At some point I had to explain it, it is not an obligation, but there are people who have enormous affection for Guarín. Family, fans, clubs. The truth was that I got sidetracked. My decision was to cling to alcohol, many mistakes I made, bad decisions, I hurt many people, I made my loved ones, my social circle, family members feel bad. Alcohol was always the worst trigger for everything you saw.

Sara Uribe and Fredy Guarin | Photo: Official IG Photo

WEEK: Are you an alcoholic?

GF: 100%. I am an alcoholic and I admit it. I am a recovering addict. I remember what was not done well, what was done badly. Learning is great motivation.

SEMANA: Did you lose your children, your parents?

FG: God, when there is true love, you can say and feel that I lost them, but they never lost me. They were there praying, trying, when they had to be silent, they were silent. I can say that my parents were, are and will be there for me as a son. They were in the worst, in the perversion of their son. They were always with love, on that side I feel happy, content. Soon I’m going to give them a hug, tell them I love them and thank them for everything. With my children, we are in that process. I am in the process of recovering my three children. They are in their space. I also greatly respect the decisions that in one way or another they have made. I love my children and I was paying for them for a while. I already know which is not the way and that the way is God who strengthens me every day and a sober, healthy life, to be able to give them everything clean and the infinite love that I have for my children.

Andreina Fiallo | Photo: Instagram @andreinafiallo

WEEK: Did you lose valuable women?

FG: I lost my marriage, I lost my home, my family. We are talking about Andreina Fiallo. All because of alcohol, because while she was consuming, she was making bad decisions. It hurts me a lot to have lost that home, because it is a home that I built from the beginning, from nothing. She was a great companion, an excellent mother and I have to accept, forgive myself and wish her the best in her life. May she continue to be that excellent mother that she is and wish her the best, blessings and that one day she too can forgive me. In the end we are two parents who want the best for our children. I want to be able to have a good relationship, based on respect. I believe that we can do very good things and make good decisions regarding our children. With Sara Uribe, I gave myself another chance at life, in a new home, and things didn’t work out. She taught me many things and I respect her a lot, I greatly value everything she did to be able to build a beautiful, healthy home. I made bad decisions because of alcohol. I wasn’t on the same page. Maybe they are things that had to be experienced and also wished the best for her. She is a great mother with Jacobo, who is a love from God, and there are the values ​​that she has and that she has shown in the five years of her life to our son.

SEMANA: Did you see the video of Sara Uribe in which she supposedly gave custody of her son to you? The one about “reversing the roles.”

FG: That day my friends and relatives wrote to me, supposedly putting together a plan for us to go with the bald ones. They told me, “let’s go this way, that way.” Almost all of them have children too and they wrote to me that it was great that I stayed with Jacobo (laughs). But no, I got up at 7 in the morning and I had a few messages. Of course I saw it and the truth is that Sara has impressive courage, because it is not easy to go out and talk about these issues that touch on and arrive in a very good or very bad way. There is no middle ground for a message like this. But let’s go to the context of the message and it is beautiful. You have to see the good, I’m at a point in my life where I don’t pay attention to the bad. She is showing us that we have to be better parents, give more time to our children. She spoke about it generally, but I take it personally because she is the mother of my son and she is the one she names. In my case, I walked on a dark path, I didn’t love myself, I didn’t accept myself, I didn’t value myself. If I wasn’t well, what was I going to give to my children? Jacobo’s case touched me a lot, because I was afraid of making my son, who is now 5 years old, feel as bad as I made my older children Daniel and Danna feel bad. So I made the decision not to be with my son so as not to do the same harm to him. I know you won’t understand it, but I am understanding it today. What if I want to be with Jacobo? Yes, I’m here for anything with my son. My heart is clean, healthy, I have all the time for them. You can count on me at any time, the first thing I want to do is give my children a hug and let them see this renewed father. I want my children to enjoy a sober, loving, responsible father, giving them all the time in the world. They and my parents are the most important, valuable thing, what I love most in my life. I want to give only love, no more sadness, no more disappointments. They have a father, son, brother who is cleaning up, who does everything well. Now, if Sara wants to give me my little boy, welcome (laughs). It’s sarcasm, but yes, let her know that we are here. I am willing to do whatever it takes, to be able to look them in the eyes, ask for their forgiveness, I wish with all my heart to enjoy them and for them to enjoy me.

SEMANA: Her message was taken as if you were a bad dad. Are you a bad dad? From 1 to 10, what rating is given?

FG: People draw their conclusions on social networks, which can be used for everything. I don’t let opinions affect me, I don’t let them in. I leave the grading thing to my children. They are the ones who have every right to evaluate me. They and God know my heart.

2024-05-26 14:24:02
#Fredy #Guarín #talks #relationship #Andreina #Fiallo #responds #Sara #Uribes #video


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