Reale Mutua Torino welcomes new coach Matteo Boniciolli

The Basket Torino company is pleased to announce the arrival of the new coach Matteo Boniciolli, who will lead the team until 30 June 2026. With an illustrious career in the basketball scene, Boniciolli brings with him a wealth of successes and experiences that have the potential to take the team to new heights. The 62-year-old from Trieste has won the hearts of basketball fans with his innovative approach and his ability to get the best out of his players. In 2022 he received the prestigious LNP trophy as best coach of the Serie A2 Old Wild West, confirming his status as a leading figure in the world of Italian basketball.

“Change is an inevitable constant in the world of sport and in life itself,” says the President David Avino. “We have the opportunity to embrace this change as an opportunity for renewal, growth and as a stimulus to constantly improve. We are confident that with the arrival of Matteo Boniciolli, we will not only continue our development path, but we will take it to new levels.” Furthermore, he emphasizes that “this marks an important step in our constant pursuit of excellence and success. His experience and leadership qualities will be fundamental for continuing the path started by Franco Ciani and achieving increasingly ambitious goals.”

Matteo Boniciolli, in turn, expresses gratitude e awareness of the arduous task that awaits him: “I thank President Avino for the trust placed in me. Working in such an important place as Turin is in itself a stimulating challenge. Picking up the baton from a great professional like Franco Ciani makes this assignment even more significant. We are aware that Serie A2 is a demanding tournament, but we will work tirelessly to arrive prepared for the crucial moments. To the Turin and Piedmont fans, I want to say that your support is fundamental for us. Join us in this new adventure.”

The achievement of hiring such an experienced coach underlines Basket Torino’s commitment to continuous and ambitious growth. The team invites the fans to be an integral part of this journey, increasingly crowding the stands and enthusiastically supporting their colours.

2024-05-17 14:20:50
#Reale #Mutua #Torino #welcomes #coach #Matteo #Boniciolli


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