Racketlon Tournament Returns to Putten: Table Tennis, Badminton, and Tennis on June 22, 2024

22 May 2024 at 19:00 Badminton

PUTTEN After the success of the first time in 2022, a Racketlon tournament (without squash) for 18 years and older will be organized for the second time in Putten sports history. On Saturday, June 22, the three Putten sports clubs: Table Tennis Club Putten, Badminton Club Putten and Tennis Club Putten het Laakhuisje, will organize this tournament.

The table tennis matches start at 10.30 am in the Meeuwenhal. Then, around 12.30 pm, the tournament moves to the sports hall of Putter Eng for the badminton matches. The tournament ends at the tennis club’s park at the Laak for the tennis matches. These will start around 2:30 PM.

You play in a group of four doubles per sport, against the same opponents each time. Each match ends when 21 points are reached. The organization says that this may be a great opportunity to train in advance if you also participate in the Puttense Sports Marathon 2024.

You can register via www.puttenvoorelkaar.nl/activiteiten/racketlon-2024. Registration closes on June 8, 2024. You can also register without a playmate. For more information email: [email protected].

The costs are 10 euros including three drinks (one at each sports complex). You must bring your own indoor shoes, outdoor sports shoes, a bat and rackets.

2024-05-22 17:02:35
#Registration #Puttense #Racketlon #edition #open #table #tennis #badminton #tennis #tournament #Puttenaer


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