Quebec Capitals: A Look Back at 25 Years of Championship History

The Quebec Capitals inaugurate Thursday near Cincinnati, against the Florence Y’alls, the 25e season in their championship-rich history. For the occasion, The newspaper asked Karl Gélinas, Goefrey Tomlinson, Olivier Lépine and Michel Simard, four veterans who have left their mark on fans over the years, to recount not only their best moments within the team, but also to reveal who been in their eyes the most dominant player with the organization as well as what explains its success for a quarter of a century.

What is your best memory or the moment that most marked you during your time with the Capitals?

Karl Gélinas (pitcher from 2007 to 2019)*

Photo credit: Archive photo

Goefrey Tomlinson (outfielder from 2004 to 2011)

Photo credit: Archive photo

Olivier Lépine (receiver from 1999 to 2001 and from 2004 to 2006)

Photo credit: Archive photo

Michel Simard (pitcher from 2007 to 2010)

Photo credit: Archive photo

Who is the most talented or dominant player you have seen in the Capitals?

Karl Gelinas

“The most talented, I have no choice but to say the Cuban Yurisbel Gracial. If it hadn’t been for the fact that he had to leave his country illegally, I’m sure he could have played a few years in major league baseball. There wasn’t much he couldn’t do. Defensively, he was excellent. We could use it almost everywhere. And I rarely like right-handed hitters’ swings, but his was special. No matter how good a pitcher he faced, he was capable of having a quality at-bat. After leaving the Capitals, he was named Japan’s Most Valuable Player twice. It says what a baseball player he was.”

Photo credit: Archive photo

“I didn’t play with him, I was the hitting coach at the time, but that’s Balbino Fuenmayor. We called him Balbino, remember? I was impressed with his batting approach, he had the best swing I have ever seen. Otherwise, I had the chance to see Jonathan Malo and his arm that could throw so far. Another one that impressed me, and not only on the field, is Pierre-Luc Laforest. In 2009, we dominated during the season, but we hadn’t won since 2006. And Pete brought leadership that we didn’t have. He was known, respected and he made sure everyone was at their best on the field.

Photo credit: Archive photo

“In all of baseball, I would say Miguel Cabrera. And when you played with him, it’s difficult to find such an impressive player afterwards. But with the Capitals, I would go with Michel Laplante. We had a special relationship because he was a pitcher and I was a catcher. I found it impressive how much in-depth knowledge he had of his art, of his role as a pitcher. He wasn’t just a ball grabber.”

Photo credit: Archive photo

«Goefrey Tomlinson. He was second to none when it came to having “baseball instincts.” As soon as the ball was hit, this guy knew exactly where to stand and how to catch it. And seeing him run the bases was incredibly fluid and beautiful. Goof going around second base to get to third, it was a work of art. If I had to teach young people how to do it, I would use him as an example.”

Why do the Capitals present such a competitive team on the field almost every season?

Karl Gelinas

“It is a culture which has been installed almost forever. It started from Michel Laplante and subsequently, Patrick Scalabrini took over. Pat does an incredible job recruiting not only great baseball players, but good humans. This results in close-knit teams, which play collective baseball with players who all pull the cover from the same side. Even today, there is Michel Laplante in all of this, but it also comes from Scal, in his way of managing and recruiting.

Photo credit: Archive photo

“It’s a combination of a lot of things. Michel Laplante offers players a very nice place to play. I played elsewhere before joining the Capitals, and even in the minor leagues, it wasn’t the same. The Capitals take very good care of their players, it is very impressive. There is also camaraderie on the field. In my time, the players were very close. From 2004 to 2010, we went to restaurants and bars after matches and did activities together. Plus, everyone likes to come and play in Quebec, for the atmosphere, for the city.”

Olivier Lépine

“It’s a philosophy, which perhaps started with Michel Laplante and which we combine with the atmosphere in the stadium, which is incredible. The players are happy to be part of this team. I’ve played elsewhere, in the United States, and it’s not like that everywhere. Also, Patrick Scalabrini always strives to recruit players who are basically good people and it seems that this is reflected in the way of playing. Everyone gets on board, everyone is happy when someone makes a good shot.”

Michel Simard

“The Capitals are capable of taking everything that benefits them and creating success with it. For example, they play in Quebec, a pleasant city, where there is action, where the people are beautiful. The word is getting around: in my time, players wanted to come and play in Quebec. Here you are well treated, the organization takes care of you. Then they were able to modernize the stadium and make it user-friendly, despite its age. Then there are the supporters.

*Answers have sometimes been shortened for clarity.

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2024-05-09 10:02:37
#Capitales #recount #notable #moments #years


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