Pueblo Belgrano Sports Directorate Introduces New Workshops for Youth: Artistic Skate and Badminton

The Pueblo Belgrano Sports Directorate reported that two new sports workshops for children and adolescents in two sports disciplines will be added.

This is the Artistic Skate, which will be open to boys and girls from the age of 5, which will be coordinated by Maximiliano Racigh, regardless of whether they have skates to start practicing the sport. “From the Sports Department we have the material to be able to lend to the kids who are starting out in the Patín workshop and do not have the same. Let them have their experience and be able to join,” said Gustavo Martín, Sports Director of Pueblo Belgrano.

Likewise, in parallel, a Badminton Workshop will begin, for boys and girls from 8 years old, which will be coordinated by Marcos Miotti. The intention is to add a good number of kids to a new sport that is growing a lot in the city and in Pueblo Belgrano.

For those interested in joining any of the two workshops that will begin, contact 3446-543619.

2024-05-23 17:48:24
#sports #workshops #launched #Pueblo #Belgrano #Society


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