Provincial Government Offers Teachers 7.5% Salary Increase: Unions to Consider Proposal

This Thursday, the provincial government offered teachers a 7.5% salary increase in May and the unions received the proposal and stated that they will take it into consideration with the bases.

The proposal includes a commitment to send a new call to continue discussing salaries at the end of June.

Thus, the single-day salary of a teacher who is just starting out would reach $441,100; while the full-time one would be $882,216 and the extended-day one with fifth hour would be $558,967.

Through a statement, from the Buenos Aires Teaching Unity Front (FUDB), they stated: “We received the proposal and we will submit it to evaluation by the different bodies of each of the organizations.” And they added: “We value the efforts of the Provincial Government in an extremely difficult context, in which despite the reduction of national funds for the sector, the provincial management is doing everything possible to ensure that the loss of salary compared to the inflation is not higher”.

In addition, they recognized that “the monthly call for joint meetings makes it possible to avoid a brutal drop in salary, which demonstrates a state commitment to the entire educational community.”

The Government indicated, meanwhile, that “this proposal seeks to continue improving the relationship between the basic salary and what each worker receives out of pocket. The representatives welcomed the proposal and will take it to the bases for consideration.”

The Chief of Staff of the Ministry of Labor, Cecila Cecchini, assured: “We had a good reception from the unions. We are waiting for the response that we believe will be satisfactory because they understand the effort and the tireless commitment made by the Government of the Province in a context of financial suffocation on the part of the Nation that persists in the non-transfer of co-shareable resources and the decline in collection.”

Meanwhile, the Minister of Economy, Pablo López, also present at the meeting, highlighted: “We value the joint space that we have built in these years. We are going to continue working to improve working conditions in our Province.”

Source Buenos Aires Diaries

2024-05-16 23:25:47
#Province #offered #increase #unions #evaluate #bases


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