Proposed Changes to Offside Rule Could Revolutionize Football

The plan to change the offside law rule has taken a new step and should reach the International Football Associaton Board (Ifab) soon. The idea could represent a significant change in football if approved.

What happened

The proposal suggested by former Arsenal coach Arséne Wenger was approved in tests carried out in lower division games in Europe. According to the newspaper “The Times”, the new guidance will be presented to the International Football Associaton Board (Ifab), the body that regulates football rules.

The “new rule” eliminates the concept we call “same line” in offside calls. Thus, the referee will only determine an infraction when the attacker’s body is completely in front of the defender. In other words, in plays where some part of the body is on the “same line”, the play will continue without interference from the referee (see images below).


What would the impediment be like in the new rule that is being tested Image: Reproduction

The offside rule, today, works as follows: any part of the body is sufficient to stop the move — except arms and hands. The intention of the new proposal is to reduce the number of impediments and detect them in a simpler way.

New rule allows shots on the ‘same line’ between defenders and attackers Image: Reproduction

Wenger’s plan was presented in the second half of 2023 and was dubbed the “daylight rule”. The former coach works as FIFA’s head of global football development.

According to “The Athletic”, one of the tests was carried out in under-18 games in Italy. Other tests also took place in grassroots competitions in the Netherlands and Sweden.

The proposal is seen as advantageous for attackers, who can benefit from the possible change in the rule. However, there is still no indication that the change can be applied soon or whether the idea will be rejected, as has already happened with other recommendations.

‘99% of disallowed goals would be validated’

In an interview with UOL last September, former referee, commentator and FGV professor Renato Marsiglia commented on the possibility of changing the rule.

This image [veja acima] That’s what Arséne Wenger wants to do at FIFA. He’s been fighting for two, three years now and tests have begun in the youth categories in Italy and Sweden. It will not be offside if the player has part of his body touching the opponent’s body. According to what Arséne Wenger is fighting for, a player’s leg in the same line as a defender would no longer be offside, inverting the current concept. In the current concept, any party ahead is offside. Now, it would be the opposite. What’s the big advantage of this here? 99% of disallowed goals would be validated. What’s more: it makes VAR easier. Today, if there are two lines, here there will only be one line. And much more.

2024-05-24 15:25:19
#impact #football


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