Pride of Yeoncheon Badminton, Cha Mi-yeon Joins Kolon Disabled Spodan

[연천신문=박금채 기자] Yeoncheon-gun announced that Cha Mi-yeon (21), the pride of Yeoncheon badminton, has joined the ‘Kolon Disabled Spodan’, a corporate team. Cha Mi-yeon has been attracting the attention of many people by winning three gold medals (1 gold, 1 silver, and 1 bronze) at the 14th Gyeonggi-do Sports Festival for the Disabled held from April 25th to 27th. He is a player whose performance is expected to increase.

▲Cha Mi-yeon, second from the right

Kolon Disabled Spodan is a prestigious team that supports and nurtures disabled sports athletes, and the badminton team’s power is expected to be further strengthened with the addition of Cha Mi-yeon. Cha Mi-yeon said, “I am very happy to be a member of the Kolon Disabled Spodan. I will train harder in the future to achieve good results and raise the honor of Yeoncheon-gun.”

By joining the Kolon Disabled Spodan, Cha Mi-yeon will receive more systematic and professional support, and through this, she is expected to achieve even more outstanding results in future games.

An official from Yeoncheon-gun said, “We are sending great support to Cha Mi-yeon’s news of joining the team and are looking forward to her great performance in the future. We wish Cha Mi-yeon a bright future and hope that she will grow into a player representing Korea on the disabled badminton stage.” He said.

2024-05-21 22:11:47
#Badminton #player #Cha #Miyeon #joins #Kolon #disabled #sports #team #Yeoncheon #Newspaper


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