Preview of Second Division quarterfinal series in La Nueva Provincia

He joined La Nueva Provincia in 1995. He works in the Sports section and was a collaborator in Regional and Local News of this same medium. He specializes in basketball. He was part of the staff of Encestando y Zona de Básquet magazine for 10 years. He had experience in the program Radial Contrabásquet, on Radio La Red.

Twitter: @rodriguezefe

Instagram: ferocity_



Three of the four Second Division quarterfinal series could have a winner tonight, when the third games are played, starting at 9 p.m.

Those who were one victory away from advancing to the round are El Nacional (1st), Altense (2nd) and Argentino (6th), while Barracas (4th) and Sportivo (5th) are 1-1 and will play at least two games further.

The Sportivo-Barracas series, as well as any others that were stretched, will continue next Friday.

El Nacional (2)-Espora (0)

Nacional would have to ratify the precedent with Espora (they won all four games they played in the season) to secure a place in the semifinals today.

They will compete on the Napostá court, where Emanuel Sánchez, Marjorie Stuardo and Alberto Arlenghi will direct.

In this instance, the light blue team won 94 to 55 and 68 to 85, while in the regular phase they finished up 92 to 55 and 79 to 89.

As for news, both teams are complete.

Altense (2)-Hospital Neighborhood (0)

Altense always celebrated until now when it faced Barrio Hospital, although only one of the three games was resolved clearly.

This only alerts the Puntaltense team ahead of the third match, to be played at the Armando Traini, with refereeing by Sebastián Giannino, Sebastián Arcas and Joaquín Irrazábal.

The green team arrives with a full team and Barrio, again, without Ignacio Moreno (sprained ankle).

The first game of the series was the one with the biggest difference: 100-80. In the second it ended 75-69 on Alem’s court.

And in the regular phase, the victories were 81-78 at home and 87-79 away.

Independent (0)-Argentine (2)

A series full of emotion is being played by Independiente (3rd) and Argentino (6th), with the particular context of having started with the victory of the celestial – who had a home field disadvantage – against the viola, who had 13 consecutive victories.

The 1-0 (76-80) was a blow and, added to the 2-0, in extra time (117-100, after equalizing at 101), it confirmed the parity between these two teams that today, if the trend continues, They will meet for the last time at the Raúl and Néstor Barral, where Eduardo Ferreyra, Néstor Schernenco and Juan Jaramillo will direct.

The visit, with all the euphoria on top, will not suffer absences, while last night Agustín Fernández worked differently, who was not in the first two, and today he will try the viola.

In the regular phase, victories had been shared, both as visitors: Argentino 86 to 77 and the viola 85 to 81.

Tents (1)-Sportivo (1)

Complying with what the statistics indicate, the series featuring (4th) Barracas and (5th) Sportivo Bahiense is the most even of the four, so they will have at least two matches ahead of them to define a winner further.

The first will be tonight, at the North Sports Center, where Barracas won in the opening of the series, 78 to 74, in extra time (67-67).

For today, the two coaches will have all their players at their disposal.

Alejandro Ramallo, Horacio Sedán and Lucas Andrés will direct.

The next game – and perhaps the final one – will be at Sportivo, a court in which the local team won by 82 to 79.

The curious thing between these rivals who until now made the home team prevail is that in the regular phase they had beaten each other as visitors: Barracas 83-59 and Sportivo 62-55, in Poli.

2024-05-07 08:01:04
#Nacional #Altense #Argentino #key #hand #BarracasSportivo


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