Premier League Clubs Push for Abolition of VAR: Impact on League Standings Revealed

It was an announcement that had the effect of a bombshell in England, Premier League clubs intend to vote for the abolition of VAR. From Liverpool to Arsenal via Wolverhampton, at the origin of this proposal, clubs across the Channel have come out against the tool of video refereeing. However, the final ranking would not be outrageously modified without VAR, as relayed by the tabloid The Sun.

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Indeed, the top 3 would not move and Manchester City would still have obtained their fourth title in a row, even if Arsenal would have earned an additional point. Same story for the last four teams in the championship, where the ranking would not have changed. The only changes are in the soft underbelly, with a place gained for Wolverhampton, Brighton and Brenftord, and a place lost for Fulham, Crystal Palace and Everton. Newcastle would have stolen sixth place from Chelsea, an important fact in the race for Europe nonetheless.

Pub. on 05/21/2024 11:12 AMJ on 05/21/2024 12:01

2024-05-21 09:12:23
#final #ranking #VAR


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