Potential Replacements for Kylian Mbappé at PSG: Four Cracks Nasser Al-Kheleifi Should Consider

Kylian Mbappé made official last Friday that he will not continue in the Paris Saint Germain beyond the end of this season and in the offices of The Princes Park Work is already underway to strengthen the squad and mitigate the damage of the loss of the French attacker.

As specified by L’Équipe, the fact that Mbappé do not renew, between salary, bonus and different bonuses that you will not have to pay, it will mean PSG a saving of 200 million euros and the intention is to invest that money in different signings. The following are the four cracks that Nasser Al-Kheleifi would have between eyebrows.


Victor Osimhen (Naples)

The former ‘capocannoniere’ of the last Serie A will leave Naples and Luis Campos, the architect of PSG, knows him first-hand since he was in charge of signing him for Lille, the team in which he stood out. He promises to leave for just over 100 million euros.


Rafael Leao (Milan)

His situation is similar to that of Osimhen in that Luis Campos also knows him perfectly from his time at Lille. Furthermore, by profile, he has certain similarities with Mbappé. The problem is what Milan will ask for, which will be close to 175 million of its termination clause.


Bernardo Silva (Manchester City)

Luis Campos also knows the Portuguese after taking him to Monaco and his termination clause, of 60 million euros, is more than affordable for a team like PSG. His time at Manchester City seems to have its expiration date next summer.


Khvicha Kvaratskhelia (Naples)

The Georgian’s time in Naples seems to be close to its end. He has been included in different transfer rumors, but being part of a project like PSG would undoubtedly be attractive.

2024-05-13 20:13:34
#stars #sound #PSG #Mbappés #goodbye


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