Ponferrad Archers Shine at National Archery Event in Madrid

Héctor González and Beatriz Manuel from Ponferrad participated in this second national archery event. Héctor González and Beatriz Manuel

The second major national event in Madrid was a success in participation, bringing almost 300 male and female archers from the Olympic and compound bow modalities to the capital who, in addition to participating individually in Saturday’s event, also did so by teams (clubs) on Sunday.

Ponferradinos Héctor González Manuel and Beatriz Manuel Sánchez, both from Arco Club Valladolid, traveled there.

In the afternoon session on Saturday, Héctor participated in the senior compound bow category. After a somewhat irregular qualifying round, the Bercian qualified in twenty-ninth position, which allowed him to go on to play in the 1/32nd final, a tie in which he won. He did not have the same luck in the 1/16, which he could not overcome and which placed him in seventeenth position in this GP.

In the afternoon, the predominant note was the gusty wind that made the entire shooting line suffer and greatly affected the scores. Beatriz managed to place herself in 21st place in the general classification, entering the top 32 classified and thus going on to compete in the 1/16 finals. After a tight eliminatory in which everything was decided in the last three arrows, the Ponferradina fell, thus also placing herself in seventeenth position in the women’s compound bow category.

Sunday was the turn of the Club team qualifiers, where both Héctor and Beatriz would have better fortune than the previous day.

Héctor and his teammates from Arco Club Rock surpassed the 1/8 final against the Club Arc Montjuic team. In the quarterfinals they faced the Ibizans of Sant Josep.net, against whom they had a highly disputed eliminatory in which those from Ibiza won by just one point, leaving the Bercian team in 5th place. It should be noted that only the top 8 teams will compete in the final phase of the Spanish Club Championship, so this 5th place keeps Héctor’s team well positioned to attend the national Club event that will be held in Valencia next month. June.

For her part, Beatriz, along with her teammates from Arco Club Valladolid Queen, overcame qualifying rounds until reaching the final for gold against the female Ibiza team Sat Josep.net, who (just as happened to her teammates from the men’s team) could not overcome either. In this way, the team in which Beatriz plays obtained an excellent second place in this Grand Prix that leaves a good taste in the Bercian’s mouth.

The next event for Héctor will be the 2nd Round of the National Junior League that will be held next weekend again in Madrid.

2024-05-13 07:14:44
#Ponferradino #archers #participate #Iberdrola #Spanish #Archery #Prize


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