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Source of the article: Hair Losing Angel on 2024-05-25 01:20:49 – The news is taken from major news media, and the content of the news does not represent the position of this website!

Enli, the son raised by Yi Nengjing and her ex-husband Harlem Yu, has grown up. As a second-generation star, his every move is watched by the outside world. Enli, who recently graduated from college, has more leisure time, so he rarely appeared in his mother Yi Nengjing’s live broadcast room to interact with netizens.

Enli appeared in casual attire that day, a white shirt with dark jeans and a purple baseball cap. The overall look was simple and fashionable.

Enli takes very good care of herself. Her skin is glowing white, her long slightly curly hair is very stylish, and her fair and clean complexion makes people feel very comfortable.

I have to say that Enli has inherited all the advantages of his mother Yi Nengjing and his father Harlem Yu. He is handsome and cute. Although his appearance is more feminine, it does not make people feel disgusted. The first impression is super good.

During the live broadcast, Yi Nengjing had something to do, so Enli used this time to interact with netizens. He showed off his dancing skills in the live broadcast room, and his movements were smooth, confident and generous.

Enli was really born to be a performer, especially in dancing. He has extraordinary talent, graceful dancing and strong body coordination.

However, Enli doesn’t seem to like power dances. Instead, she particularly likes dancing girl group dances. Perhaps it’s out of personal preference.

However, during the dance, Enli encountered an embarrassing scene. Because he did not wear a belt, his pants kept sliding down and his underwear was exposed.

Netizens in the live broadcast room kept reminding him, and many people thought he learned the “West Coast” style of dressing after studying in the United States.

After the dance ended, the live broadcast assistant at the side quickly shouted to Enli to pull up his pants.

The pants Enli was wearing were loose-fitting, but he was too thin to support them.

From the video, we can see that Enli’s waist is too thin, his belly is flat without a trace of fat, and his waist circumference is estimated to be about 2 feet.

While pulling up his trousers, Enli explained to netizens that his waist was too thin to wear men’s trousers properly, and he did not let his trousers slip down intentionally because of his personal preference.

Then Enli showed an awkward smile on his face, but he looked so cute.

Enli recently graduated from college. His mother Yi Nengjing and father Harlem Yu flew to the United States to attend his graduation ceremony. Enli took a photo with his parents and shared it on social media.

From the photos sent back, we can see that on the day of graduation, Enli appeared in a suit. He went out to play with his father Harlem Yu. The father and son took photos on the lawn.

Out of joy, Harlem Yu completely let himself go and took photos with Enli in exaggerated poses. The already quite old Harlem Yu even did high jumping with his son, looking so happy that people envied him.

Yi Nengjing also took many photos with Enli as souvenirs. She wore a floral dress and walked on the street with her son. Both mother and son looked very young, just like a couple in love.

Compared to Harlem Yu’s casualness, this set of photos of Yi Nengjing and her son is very artistic. It turns out that girls are more delicate in their minds and the photos they take are more effective.

But unfortunately, there was no exposure of any photos of Yi Nengjing and her ex-husband Harlem Yu, which should be out of respect for each other’s current partners.

However, netizens have photoshopped the photos and forced the “family of three” to appear in the same frame, but the effect is obviously too fake.

Now that Enli has graduated from University, he is still undecided about what he will do in the future. He does not know whether he will engage in the performing arts career like his parents.


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2024-05-25 16:05:13
#Enli #appeared #mother #Nengjings #live #broadcast #room #interacted #netizens #cutely #Wenxue #City


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