Pisa-South Tyrol: break ranks | Sports People

Last home day of the championship for Pisa hosting Sudtirol, both teams that would have the play-off zone in their sights, an objective that is however not easy to achieve for either of them: in addition to necessarily having to win this match, they should also have on their side the results of the direct opponents. Ultimately it is a match that is worth little on the pitch and also in the surrounding area.Arena Garibaldi there is a tranquility and light-heartedness resulting from an opponent, and an opposing fanbase, which presents little appeal, if only for the novelty it represents in the cadet series. And in fact the groups of fans and ultras stationed around the stadium are very relaxed, nothing to do with the previous home match against Catanzaro, for one afternoon even the police see their task facilitated and facilitated by the environment very soft.

Guests who are notoriously divided into two groups and in fact, even this afternoon, the division is quite clear, although on closer inspection it does not affect the support for the team too much: indicatively the chants are echoed by all those present and the two entities travel for the more arm in arm. Obviously it’s a bit jarring to see the two groups distant, it goes without saying that the internal war is often fratricidal, especially when the numbers at stake are not high, there is only something to lose and almost nothing to gain. The fact remains that this afternoon the guests make themselves heard and seen, chants and flags alternate without too many problems and ultimately their performance can only be judged positive.

The home corner is the usual steamroller but the aspect I would like to underline is the unity of intent that can be felt in the stadium: two banners displayed from the corner were enough to make the whole team stand upArena to thunderous and heartfelt applause. If in the first case a modernization of the stadium was requested, in the second it was the same curve that underlined the unity of the city in the face of the harsh attack by the police on some demonstrators at the end of February. The two themes, so different but always current, touched the pride of both the most hardened ultras and the spectators in the stands or steps who did not fail to support the thought of the liveliest wing of the stadium. If it were the first gesture of understanding between the various entities of the Nerazzurri support, the news could well fade into the background, but the work carried out by fans and ultras starts from further away, from that “Pisa doesn’t bend” which has become one slogan that seeks to embrace the entire city at the stadium and far beyond.

For the record, the match ends with a Solomonic draw and results in hand, decreeing the mathematical exclusion of both teams from the play-offs: if Sudtirol set out to secure salvation and the objective was largely achieved, Pisa chews bitterly for those points thrown away.

Valerio Poli

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2024-05-13 14:59:16
#PisaSouth #Tyrol #break #ranks #Sports #People


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