Pink Panthers Youth Basketball – A Recap of Recent Matches

Under17 Gold


In a building that responded brilliantly, as always in decisive matches, the PF boys suffered from the guests’ strong start in this Coppa Piemonte semi-final. After the time out, however, the clubs change gear and finish ahead 20-14. In the second quarter PF plays well on both sides of the pitch, stemming the away attack (45-30). Upon returning to the pitch, Farigliano was subjected to the visitors’ energy: Tortona came close to making it 62-57 in the 30th minute. Unfortunately, in the last quarter PF shuts down offensively (only 8 points in 10′): the opponents take advantage of 8 free throws to score, and qualify for the Piedmont Cup final. However, the credit goes to the boys, who led the match for 35 minutes before giving in at the end, in front of a wonderful audience.

PF: Alberione, Fresia Dotta, Manera, Manfredi, Manera, Mariani, Roagna, Sabena, Schellino, Viara.All. Bittner, Alberione, Giachello.

Under 14 F

PF        46

Trip to Turin for the Langhe team who present themselves with a lineup reduced to just nine athletes. The young Pinks have too soft an impact and the hosts find easy conclusions. Thanks to his consistency and will, Farigliano still manages to close ranks in defense and close the gap. In the two quarters it is always the Pinks who dictate the pace until they reach the deserved victory. These are two important points, in the awareness of having completed a great growth journey.

Alberione, Ascheri, Borgese, Cannas, Cagnassi, Drocco, Giordano, Rosso B., Rosso G. All. Pecchenino, Schellino, Sappa.

CSI guys

GATORS SAV.            48
PF        55

Good victory for the Fariglianese team who repeated the success of the first leg of the semi-final by playing well in the first 10 minutes and then suffered the aggressive return of the Gators between the long break. The PF, however, makes good offensive moves and, thanks to their precision from distance, comes back and overtakes, maintaining the advantage until the end. On Sunday the Fariglianese will play the final for the provincial title.

Viara, Cerato, Novarese, Cillario, Romana, Fresia, Scarano, Bianciotto, Manfredi, Reineri. Coach Giachello, Schellino.

Open rookies

PF        17

Convincing victory for the 2012 PF group, which easily beat Abet Bra at home in the match valid for the fourth return day of the Open Beginners Championship. Good match for coach Bolgioni’s boys, who played all six “mini halves” with great intensity and great determination, fighting for every ball and leaving little space for opposing initiatives.

Aimasso, Bruno, Borra, Cappellino, Carbone, Dell’Orto, Fenocchio, Grosso, Mara, Pecchenino, Romana, Rinaudo. All. Bolgioni. Open Beginners

PF        18

Last match of the season for the PF rookies, who, in the Roreto di Cherasco gym, beat the home team of Cherasco Basketball with a good performance. Thanks to this victory, the Fariglianese confirm themselves first in the standings and undefeated after the victory. This success adds to what they achieved in recent weeks in their group of the Red Rookies trophy. Congratulations from the club to all the boys and girls of 2012 and the youngest of 2013 for their commitment and perseverance. Now head to the regional “Jamboree” on Saturday in Collegno: a nice opportunity to compare with other Piedmontese realities.

Bruno, Borra, Cappellino, Dell’Orto, Fenocchio, Mara, Grosso, Qafaloku, Romana, Rinaudo. All. Bolgioni.

Big squirrels

The “Scoiattoloni” championship ends. The 2015 youngsters, supported by some 2016 players, offered two convincing performances against the home team of Amatori Savigliano and against Basket Borsi Ceva, demonstrating the great progress achieved in training. At the end of the season, the great Manfredi “Scoiattoli a Canestro” tournament is scheduled for next Saturday 8 June.

Armando, Buzdugan, Cappellino, Chionetti, Dalmasso, Faieta, Filippi, Lubatti, Pirra, Pittavino, Revelli, Vizio. All. Cagnassi

2024-05-22 09:45:05
#Pallacanestro #Farigliano #Pinks #team #emergency #Turin #Polismile


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