Perseverance and Pride: Nantes Coach Reflects on Team’s Survival

What is your first feeling?
Amazing. We are maintained despite this defeat, despite this record which will haunt me nights for a long time. We are maintained thanks to the victory of my friends from Strasbourg, I must believe that my time there left its mark and that they were kind enough to give me a helping hand. I’m so happy, so proud… I don’t have words to express how I feel.

How do you explain your team’s first period?
We got carried around, we took to the water. I went with a 3-5-2 pattern with the idea of ​​strengthening the defense due to the absence of Jean-Charles Castelletto. I also wanted to put Abline very high, so that he would have to defend less. But we never managed to defend well, to block the corridors. Afterwards, it wasn’t just a tactical problem. When Lille plays at this level, there aren’t many teams that can resist them. They are not going to make the Champions League by chance. We corrected the situation at half-time.

“I have already started working on a few positions, on the workforce. There will be many departures and arrivals. »

At 0-2, what did you say to yourself?
I had to stay calm, not show that I was panicking, let this very complicated first period pass and wait until half-time to make corrections. The changes brought new blood, solutions to the team. The fact of having pushed them from the restart gave us confidence, the goal increased our strength tenfold, and we were not far from equalizing.

There will be a lot of work this summer…
Oh yes, yes. I have already started working on a few positions, on the workforce. There will be many departures and arrivals. That’s how it is, that’s the life of a club. We have to manage to have a quieter season even if it’s complicated here. Of the three home matches, there is one behind closed doors against Lyon, two without the Loire Tribune and we cannot count on our away supporters. There were a lot of handicaps, Simon injured… But we never complained. I’ve only been here two months but I’m done, I’m stoned (laughs).

With a contract automatically extended by two years…
You all know the attachment I have for this club and this city. I had my daughter’s wedding here, the grandchildren… The Caledonian roots came to take root here. I am very happy to be here for two more years if President Kita lets me spend two years (laughs). Not bringing down your favorite club in L2 is a lot of pressure. When you succeed – and it is a collective achievement – it is a source of immense pride.

2024-05-12 22:38:34
#Antoine #Kombouaré #maintaining #Nantes


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