pay attention to the specifics of the Tottenham Stadium for the Leinster-Toulouse final

The Tottenham footballers’ enclosure has unusual dimensions, which could disrupt Toulouse and the Irish this Saturday during the Champions Cup final (3:45 p.m.).

Special correspondent in London

The Tottenham Hotspur Stadium is a venue which generally hosts Premier League football matches. And the rugby players will have to adapt to certain specificities of the stadium in terms of the size of the pitch, during the Champions Cup final this Saturday (3:45 p.m.) between Stade Toulousain and the Irish Leinster. What Antoine Dupont noted: “We saw that the dimensions of the field are particular, with a very small in-goal and touches very close to the slope so it’s good that we were able to familiarize ourselves.”

This slope, located only one meter from the touchline, could disturb players who would like to avoid a ball going out of touch. But he could also bother the scorers, especially for corner kicks.

“Rightly measure our footwork”

The opener Romain Ntamack thus confided that it would be preferable to“try to score tries as close to the posts as possible”. And to add: “The dimensions of the field are very particular, with the in-goal areas which are very small. We have the impression that the pitch is quite narrow so we will have to carefully measure our kicking games so that they do not go too far behind the goal.” One more headache for the Rouge et Noir in search of a sixth continental crown.


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