Patrick Lefevere Stands Up for Remco Evenepoel in Giro Dispute

Remco Evenepoel rode a strong Giro last year, until disaster struck our fellow countryman. Patrick Lefevere came across nicely in an argument with organizer RCS, because they believed that Evenepoel left like a thief in the night.

After all, they did not hear about his statement directly, but through the media. Until a few months ago, there was also bickering about the agreed starting money that they did not want to pay in full to Lefevere, because Evenepoel did not complete the Giro completely.

“I thought that was nonsense because the word start-up money says it all: money to start. I don’t want to be too cynical about that, but no one can claim that Remco did not play his role as a poster boy in the Giro, with promotional videos and interviews before and during,” says the CEO in Het Nieuwsblad.

“He was simply sensational in the opening time trial. I thought it was a shame to skimp on the price with a forced forfeit. It is not that Remco simply left the course.”


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