Paris Basketball Condemns Violent Act by LDLC Asvel Player – Calls for Stronger Sanctions

As we can see below, the pivot of ASVEL was the author of an ugly gesture against the Parisian Enzo Shahrvin and the Parisian club bitterly regrets that this was not the subject of a report from the referees and a more severe sanction.

“Last night, Thursday May 23, during match 1 of the semi-final of the Betclic ELITE playoffs between Paris Basketball and LDLC Asvel, the player Youssoupha FALL was excluded from the match after deliberately hitting the Paris Basketball player Enzo SHAHRVIN. This serious incident follows various actions during which the player endangered the physical integrity of our players. Paris Basketball today discovers with amazement that this serious fault has been qualified as a simple unrelated disqualifying fault, preventing a. examination by the Disciplinary Commission. Paris Basketball has not yet received a satisfactory response for this omission. Paris Basketball condemns any unnecessary violence on the field.

The second match of the series will be held this Saturday at 6 p.m. at the Adidas Arena in Paris.

2024-05-25 17:23:55
#Paris #unhappy #clemency #Youssoupha #Fall


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