Oswaldo Bravo Alvarado: The Rising Star of Veracruz Weightlifting

Veracruz, Vera.- At 17 years old, Oswaldo Bravo Alvarado is getting ready for his first world championship in weightlifting that will help him promote his dream of the Olympic Games.

In an interview for Diario de .

How did Oswaldo Bravo get into weightlifting?

He says that he came to weightlifting in 2018, because while he was preparing for an international competition, his instructor asked him to strengthen his legs by lifting weights.

He assures that, although he enjoyed judo, he also liked weightlifting, so he combined both disciplines for some time.

However, during the pandemic he decided to stay on the team of teacher Joel Mackenzie who directs weightlifting.

“I started in martial arts, I practiced judo, I was there from 2017 to 2020 and I had some participations, two Pan American Games; where I was in seventh and the other in eighth, when I was preparing for a competition my coach told me that I should strengthen my legs and he brought me to weightlifting, the truth is that I really liked this sport and I was practicing both at the same time but when When the pandemic came, all judo activities were suspended and weightlifting activities were taken online,” he explains.

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He comments that during the pandemic he had some participations and a Pan American, but everything was done online, his first participation will be in the World Youth Weightlifting Championships to be held in Lima, Peru, for which he is preparing.

“We could say that it would be my first participation in this sport, I am very excited because I am the only Veracruz native in this category and I have a chance of getting on the podium. It could be bronze, silver or gold, I don’t know, I am willing to have fun, to do what I have been practicing to do my best,” he expresses.

He emphasizes that his dream is to continue competing in this discipline until he reaches the Olympics representing Veracruz and Mexico.

“I would love to get to the Olympic Games to represent Mexico and Veracruz, which is where I was born, it would be a very great honor and everything is a matter of perseverance, discipline, continuing to practice, I have the best teacher Joel Mackenzie who I see more as a family.” because it has helped me a lot to improve myself in this sport,” he says.

Oswaldo combines his sports training with his studies as he is currently studying mechatronics in the fourth semester of high school at Conalep campus II in Veracruz.

He assures that both the director and his teachers have provided him with all the facilities to carry out work and projects so that he can be absent from school to participate in the World Weightlifting Championships that will take place at the end of this month.

Son of parents who are teachers in Physical Education, Mario Bravo Rosas and Verónica Alvarado Merinos, he mentions that in addition to establishing himself as an athlete he also aspires to achieve professional fulfillment.

He comments that he would like to study something related to sports, as a physiotherapist or even a Physical Education teacher like his parents.

Oswaldo Bravo requests support to follow his dreams

It should be noted that Oswaldo Bravo collected raffles and sold chocolates to raise enough money to guarantee his participation in the World Cup that will take place in Lima, Peru.

The Veracruz native managed to raise enough money through sponsorships and promises to give his best performance to get on the podium and win a medal.

2024-05-13 09:18:03
#Oswaldo #Bravo #Alvarado #athlete #Veracruz #preparing #World #Cup #history #sports #Diario #Xalapa


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