Oscar Ruggeri: Balancing Football Success and Family Time

Oscar Ruggeri He has been a great football figure in our country. The former player has managed to become world champion along with Diego Armando Maradona and had the opportunity to play for great European football teams; However, he did not get to spend much time with his family.

Like every footballer, the time they spend with their families is very few. The trips that the teams maintain for different competitions are constant and they do not enjoy too much from those closest to them. Oscar always remembers that when he is interviewed and even more so with the arrival of his granddaughter.

Ruggeri candle she became a mother along with Nicolás Maccari of the beautiful Vita who enjoys his grandfather, as does his other grandson, Milo. Oscar always makes clear the love he has for his family and especially for the little ones.

In an interview they conducted in Implacables, they spoke with Oscar Ruggeri and how she navigates this new adventure with her youngest granddaughter, Vita. The former soccer player, who played for teams like Real Madrid, expressed that he has a problem due to his age, which does not allow him to enjoy much.


In the Intratables program that is conducted by Susana Roccasalvo and which is broadcast on Channel Nueve in Buenos Aires, they went to look for Oscar Ruggeri who was at an event for a well-known hamburger brand and they talked about everything.

At the beginning of the interview, Oscar expressed: “Here we are with Candela, with my granddaughter, with Nancy (his wife), with my son-in-law (Nicolás Maccari), with everyone“, he communicated with a big smile for the family moment he was having at a launch of a new hamburger.

The journalist asked him about how he is going through the new stage of being Vita’s grandfather and stressed that “Look how crazy everything is, because when Candela was little, I could lie on the floor just fine, it didn’t hurt at all.. But it wasn’t there, because we were traveling, we were permanently outside. (with the team)”.

Regarding his relationship with his granddaughter Vita, he commented: “Now with Vita, well… He motions for me to sit on the ground and well, we’re having a hard time getting to the ground.. The beautiful thing about grandchildren is that we spoil them, we give them everything and when things get difficult we give them to their parents.“he said with a laugh. He was also asked about Cande’s role as a mother and said that it is “I see Cande very well as a mother“.

2024-05-26 02:00:00
#Oscar #Ruggeri #told #problem #faces #daughter #grandfather


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