Opportunity for a New Treasurer & Updates from Youth Fund Sports & Culture Almere

Opportunity for a New Treasurer & Updates from Youth Fund Sports & Culture Almere

To Youth Fund Sports & Culture Almere page

Almer | May 15, 2024

New treasurer wanted!
The board of the Youth Fund is looking for a treasurer to replace our current treasurer who will resign on December 31, 2024. The new treasurer will be trained and supported by our current treasurer until the end of the year. Will you be our new treasurer? Look for the vacancy on our website and respond!

Our rules of the game in a new format
Our rules have not changed, but we have created a new format. You will find our rules in the attachment of the newsletter email, but also on our website. We hope to have made the rules clearer and clearer with the new layout. Let us know what you think about it!

Victims of the childcare allowance affair (KOTA)
Reminder for the intermediary: We need more information for an application from affected parents. When submitting an application, you must make a note if it concerns parents affected by the childcare allowance affair (for example, if it concerns affected KOTA). Naturally, these parents must also comply with our rules regarding their income. You can mention this in the motivation in the application. This way we gain more insight into which families need help from the Youth Fund Sports & Culture. Thank you in advance!

Acquisition of Aquayara swimming pools by Optisport
The swimming pools of Aquayara (Muziekwijk and Tussen de Vaarten) were taken over by Optisport as of May 1st. What consequences does this have for children who swim there through the Youth Fund? Old applications approved before May 1 will remain in the name of Aquayara. After May 1, the intermediary can choose Optisport Tussen de Vaarten or Optisport Muziekwijk. Requests that are on the waiting list for Aquayara after May 1 will be converted by our back office to Optisport Tussen de Vaarten or Optisport Muziekwijk. In short, the children can continue swimming and will not notice the name change!

Team ball sports, badminton and gymnastics applications for the 2024/2025 season
As an intermediary, you can already submit a (repeat) application for the 2024/2025 season. You enter 8/1/2024 as the start date and 7/31/2025 as the end date. We will then put this application on our waiting list, because we cannot approve applications until the end of July 2024. Do you ensure that all current season applications receive a repeat application if the children want to continue with the activity and the financial situation of the parents is unchanged? Thank you in advance!

Reminder Culture club pass
From now on, intermediaries can apply for the new one for a child Culture club pass of The New Library. This pass is paid for by the Youth Fund. With the Culture Club Pass, a child can participate in all activities for a year at all locations of the New Library listed in the Children’s agenda under Activities. Please note: a child can be reimbursed for 1 application per year by the Youth Fund. A choice must therefore be made between a sports, cultural or swimming activity.

A child can go on a holiday week or camp through the Youth Fund
For each current application (sports or culture or swimming), 1 holiday week/camp application may be submitted to the camp provider per year for the amount required up to a maximum of € 300. The camp provider submits the invoice via factsen.almere@jeugdfondssportencultuur. nl stating the child’s name, application number and ledger 5200. Camp applications therefore do not go through the portal www.allekinderendoenmee.nl.

Collection Almeerse Hockey Club
On Thursday, April 25, the Almere Sports & Culture Youth Fund was present at the final of the 2024 Gold Cup at the Almere Hockey Club. The Youth Fund was allowed to collect during this event. We were helped by the MO14-1 team (this season they are wearing a sports outfit with the logo of the Youth Fund Sport & Culture on it). Thanks for this girls! We would also like to thank the board and sponsor committee of De Almeerse Hockey Club for allowing us to be present to collect for our fund! The QR codes were scanned many times and a total of €763.50 was raised. Do you or your association also want to do something for the Youth Fund? Please contact Lindy Heijmering via [email protected].

Vis à Vis invites children who use the Youth Fund to a theater performance
SILO 8 is a thrilling theater spectacle full of humor and surprise for ages 8 and up. In the SILO 8 nursing home, the memories of the elderly are being erased. The residents appear to be more resilient than expected and resist the impending ignorance. The performance SILO 8 can be seen this summer on Almeerderstrand. Through Jeugdfonds Sport & Cultuur Almere, Vis à Vis offers this special promotion for families to visit the performance on Wednesday evening, June 5 at 8:30 PM for € 2.50! We ask you to spread this news to children who use it
Youth Fund. These families can register no later than Wednesday, May 22, by sending an email to Toa Maes: [email protected]l. When it’s gone, it’s gone, so be quick!

New providers Q2 2024
New sports provider: Z&D Tennis and Padel School in Almere Haven.
New cultural providers: StudioX Group (piano, DJ and singing lessons) in Almere Poort and ARTelier Palet Gezelschap (painting lessons) in Almere Haven.

Did you know that there is a Toolkit for your website?
From the collaboration with the Youth Fund Sport & Culture Almere, we expect the Youth Fund to be visibly present at your location, website and/or in the newsletters. There is a Toolkit available for this that you can find on our website: https://jeugdfondssportencultuur.nl/voor-wie/toolkit/. Help us promote the Youth Fund Sports & Culture Almere!

Questions or more information
We ask that emails intended for coordinators Yvonne Wolff and Lindy Heijmering be sent to: [email protected]

For additional information about a request, please contact the Back Office. This can be reached via [email protected] or 036-7601565 on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9:00 am to 12:30 pm.

Invoices can be emailed to [email protected].

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2024-05-15 12:15:26
#Newsletter #Youth #Fund #Sports #Culture


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