On the Path to Growth: The Rise of Judo in Peru and Challenges Ahead

The member of the Peruvian Judo Sports Federation assures that we are on a good path, but there is still a long way to go in the dissemination of the martial art

By Danna Felipe B.

More and more people are finding a passion in Judo, a Japanese martial art whose practicing population has grown by 70% since 2017 nationwide, according to the second member of the Peruvian Judo Sports Federation, Brunilda Calla.

The Arequipa athlete explained that such a panorama responds to the creation of more clubs, which make agreements with schools, and in this way the material managed by the Federation reaches potential judokas.

The talent hunt has been more fruitful in recent years. For example, through the Sakura dojo, the Judo coach has taken one of her passions to towns like Orcopampa and assures that amazement is not an unexpected emotion.

Despite the promising context, the Mistiana judoka stressed that the road is still long in the dissemination of the martial art. One of the potholes is the lack of teachers at the national level; They do not reach a thousand and Peru needs at least double that, according to Calla Gallegos.

Finally, the athlete invites the population to join this sport of life, where age and sex are not limitations.


Judoka Brunilda highlighted that, by training three times a week for an hour and a half, you can reach the yellow belt in three months and within three more, you could already think about competitions.

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2024-05-26 00:16:54
#Peruvians #interested #practicing #Judo


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