Olympic Judo Forio Strikes Gold: A Weekend of Success and Triumph

In light of the success of Angelina Mango, daughter of the late singer-songwriter, we could sing the notes of “Oro”, the lucky single by the Lucanian singer, to celebrate the astonishing success of these last two sporting weekends for the Olympic Judo Forio. The Foriani boys they gave their best and it must be said that a real shower of medals fell. They classified themselves in all categories, from small to large, giving vent to all their energy, stored up in the training that discipline dictates. And this is how the boys of ASD Olympic Judo Forio stood out in Aversa following the path to success. They participated in the Campania and Molise regional qualifiers for the Finals of the Italian A2 Championships. There were eleven boys involved in the competition and the medal table is growing even more, on the tatami of the PalaJacazzi in Aversa the judokas from Ischia returned with nine medals hanging around their necks.

A huge success, which certainly flooded the boys with new blood for the next matches. Let’s take a look at the qualifications in detail for the finals of the A2 II Italian Championships, which will take place in Perugia on 11 and 12 May: Christian Di Maio +100 kg category 1 place and gold medal; Simone Sbrogna cat. 100kg. 2nd Place and Silver Medal; finally Pasquale MIGLIACCIO 3rd place and Bronze Medal but fails to qualify for the Perugia race.

While the eight rookies in the race won 6 medals, with two silver medals and four bronze: Accinelli Sara cat. 48kg. 2nd place and Silver Medal qualifies for the Final of the Italian Championship in Olbia in Sardinia on May 26th;
Toader M.Vittoria cat. 52kg. 2nd place and Silver medal qualifies for the final of the Italian Championship in Olbia;
Patalano Renee cat. 48kg. Bronze medal;
Mattera Francesco cat. 55kg. Bronze medal.
Piciocchi Carmine cat. 50kg. Bronze medal;
Ursomanno Mario cat. 50kg. Bronze medal.

Olympic Judo Forio ranked third among all the companies present, an excellent result that makes the whole team proud, a “true success”, dreams that come true. While we begin the month of May in the most fragrant of ways, the Olympic Judo Forio on Saturday 4th, competing with 10 kids aged 12 to 16. These are the results:

1.Schiano Nicole Beginners A cat. 63kg. 1st place Gold Medal
2. Toader MariaVittoria Esordienti B cat. 52kg. 1st place Gold Medal
3. Accinelli Sara Beginners B cat. 48kg. 3rd place Bronze Medal
4. Patalano Renee Debutants B cat. 48kg. 5th place Bronze Medal
5. Ursomanno Mario Esordienti B cat. 50kg. 5th place Bronze Medal
6. Iacono Federica Beginners B car. 52kg. 5th place Bronze Medal
7. Patalano Ian 9° posto.
8. Mattera Francesco 7th place.
9. Manzi Antonio 7th place.
10. Picciocchi Carmine 7th place.
Olympic Judo Forio ranks 15th out of 70 Judo clubs and around 400 athletes from all over Italy. On the morning of May 5th, an exceptional visit was made by President Proietti together with Franco Penna to the tatami of the Palabandinelli in Velletri, to watch the final match of the National Cup. And all hell breaks loose! After the 6 medals won yesterday, it starts raining gold, silver and bronze. from ours These are the results:

1. Sbrogna Simone Wins the Csen National Cup 1st Place Gold Medal cat. 100kg. Seniors.
2. Di Maio Christian WINS the Csen National Cup 1st Place Gold Medal cat. +100kg. Under 23. Achieves the additional Black Belt 1st dan Csen.
3. Bianculli Giulia WINS the Csen National Cup 1st Classified Gold Medal cat. 57 kg. Under 23
4. Mattera Fabio 2nd Place Silver Medal cat. 66kg. Under 23. Achieve the Black Belt 1st dan Csen.
5.Mattera M.Katerina 2nd Place Silver Medal cat. 52kg. Achieve the Black Belt 1st dan Csen.
6. Ruggiero Samuel 2nd place Silver Medal cat. 46kg. Achieve the Black Belt 1st dan Csen.
7.Calise Alessandro 5th Place Bronze Medal cat. 60kg. Under 23.
8. Barbieri Emanuel Pio 9th place cat. 73kg. Under 23.

And if last weekend was one to remember, this one on May 4th and 5th is one to remember! A great success for the whole team, a push to dare a little more, furthermore this year the club brought the island boys to all the Finals of the Italian Fijlkam Championships, from Beginners to Absolutes, passing through Cadets and Juniors. And the satisfactions are all coming. The family grows, not only the medal collection is enriched, but also with shared smiles and hugs. Olympic Judo Forio is also about puppies who grow up in the spirit of sport in a healthy way, with discipline but also with lots of healthy fun. And meanwhile next weekend, we go to Perugia with backpacks full of good intentions, pride, enthusiasm, ready for new challenges. The ones we like!

2024-05-10 11:28:27
#Rain #medals #Olimpic #Judo #Forio #Golfo


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