OL-PSG: “Unacceptable acts”… the FFF denounces the incidents on the A 1 motorway

A few hours after the serious incidents which tarnished the pre-match of the Coupe de France, on the A1 motorway, between Lyon and Paris supporters, the French Football Federation (FFF) wrote a press release in reaction, this Saturday evening . “The FFF condemns in the greatest firmness the serious incidents that occurred before the final of the Coupe de France between Lyon and Paris supporters. These acts of violence, which took place before the match on public roads, are unacceptable,” the press release states.

Before adding: “They are the opposite of the values ​​which must be carried by football and which are defended by the federation. The FFF would like to thank the State services and the police who were able to quickly control these excesses. The Coupe de France conveys values ​​of fraternity, respect and unity between the professional and amateur world. The final of this prestigious competition is a celebration and it must remain so. »

“OL condemns and deplores this violence”

For its part, OL “condemns and deplores this violence”, ensuring that “the route followed was that of the escort, modified by the police. The buses were well under escort,” assured the club.

VideoFight between OL and Paris supporters: a burnt bus, 8 police officers slightly injured

The human and material toll was quite significant since “at least 8 police officers were slightly injured, several tear gas grenades were fired but order was able to be restored very quickly despite smoke bombs fired by one of the teams against the bus from another,” said the prefect of the North. A bus was set on fire, four others were damaged and will have to be replaced “to ensure the return of supporters of both teams”, added the official. In total, around thirty people – including the police – were slightly injured.


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