Novak Djokovic Discusses Past Disturbances and Future Goals at Press Conference

Novak Djokovic Discusses Past Disturbances and Future Goals at Press Conference

At a press conference yesterday, Novak seemed rather calm even if he was careful not to express himself too much on what has ultimately disturbed him for several weeks.

« There have been different things that have happened over the past two months. I won’t go into detail, I think you understand that. I don’t want to open Pandora’s box and talk about all these things, but I try to focus on what needs to be done, what happened has happened, it stays behind me , It’s from the past. I can’t go back on it anymore, but I can try to correct certain things that are wrong, that are not useful for being at the highest level. And I hope that by doing that I will have good results here.”

2024-05-27 07:45:00
#Roland #Garros #Novak #Djokovic #mystery #thickens #happened #months #wont #detail #understand #dont #open #Pandoras #box #talking


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