“no reason to think that the Organizing Committee will not be there” on private security

The Paris police chief, Laurent Nunez, declared on Friday Franceinfothat there is not “no reason to think that the Cojo [Comité d’organisation des Jeux olympiques et paralympiques de Paris 2024] will not be there in terms of volume of private security agents.”

Mid-April, in an interview with Mondethe Minister of Sports and the Olympic and Paralympic Games, Amélie Ouéa-Castéra had recognized that there was “still need 8,000 to 9,000 recruitments” agents to ensure site security this summer, when the need is estimated at 20,000 agents per day on average.

According to Mr. Nunez, the possibility of calling on the reserves of the army, gendarmerie and police to compensate for a lack of private security agents constitutes “for the moment a scenario which is absolutely not envisaged”. “The rate of recruitment is continuing, it is not complete. We are hopeful that Cojo will succeed in recruiting its agents”.

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2024-05-10 09:02:10
#reason #Organizing #Committee #private #security


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