News Roundup: Highlights from the May 10, 1999 Edition of El Ideal Gallego

The Ideal Gallego of May 10, 1999 had on its cover that a goal by Donato from fifty meters prevented Athletic from winning; the church of Santo Domingo was filled for the Voting Function; The Civil Guard will celebrate its patron saint in Galicia; Vázquez says that agreeing with the Bloc would be the end of the PSdeG; the Festa do Pan brought together thousands of people in Carballo; seven positives in the breathalyzer tests with the new rate; Luis Monzón, winner of the A Coruña Rally ahead of Sergio Vallejo from Lugo; Liceo Airtel finishes the League in second place after Tenerife beat Igualada; Benigno López and Manuel Ulloa won the El Ideal Gallego golf trophy; and more than three thousand young judokas participated in the Miguelito Trophy.

Francisco Vázquez asked for peace in the world at the Voting Function

The church of Santo Domingo yesterday hosted the traditional Voting Function, the act for which the people of A Coruña have been grateful since 1589 for the intercession of the Virgin of the Rosary in the fight against the English. With yesterday’s celebration, the Vote Foundation recovers its original date, after seventy years ago the festival was moved to the month of August to coincide with the A Coruña festivals.

Seven positive blood alcohol levels in the first control after approving the new rates

On Saturday night, the first alcohol test was installed in A Coruña after the new rates allowed to drivers came into force. Seven people from A Coruña exceeded the 0.5 grams of alcohol per liter of blood that the norm establishes as the maximum suitable for driving a car.

It takes firefighters 20 minutes to reach a burning house

It took firefighters around twenty minutes yesterday to locate a house in Los Rosales where a fire in a hood alarmed the entire neighborhood. The problem, according to sources from the force, was locating portal 82 on Emilio González López Street, on whose seventh floor the fire occurred, since it is an interior portal and difficult to find.

¡ Donatazo!

Athletic Bilbao broke a streak of two consecutive defeats and, in the process, complicated Deportivo’s path to the Champions League with a draw. The blue and white team was behind on the scoreboard until in the 85th minute the “renewed” Donato hit a shot from almost the middle of the field that surprised Imanol.

Francisco Vázquez showed his knowledge of judo and did a demonstration with a key that was very spectacular | T. Aragunde

The great kimono festival at the Colosseum

The “Miguelito” trophy once again attracted more than 22,000 people to the stands of the Coliseum of A Coruña, on whose central court, with twenty tatami mats, three thousand school children exhibited their knowledge of judo.

50 years ago

  • Underground parking in the squares of La Coruña | A company specialized in the construction of parking lots
    underground has requested permission from the City Council to make pits in the Méndez Núñez and Cantones gardens, in the plaza
    of Maestro Mateo, in La Palloza, in María Pita and in the Plaza de la Estación de Ferrocarril in order to study the possibility
    to make underground parking in those places.

2024-05-10 03:43:11
#years #Francisco #Vázquezs #judo #key #Donatos #goal #meters


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