New Rimini Faces Padua in Fourth Weekend Matchups: Will injuries impact their chances of victory?

After the double home round, New Rimini returns to compete away for this fourth weekend of matches of the season. Castro’s team is expected in Padua, where today (3pm and 8pm) they will try to score that double that has eluded them on all occasions so far. Let’s be clear, with three draws and a total record of 3 wins and 3 losses, the Pirates’ championship is enough, but the desire to do more in the group is always there. The obstacle is injuries, which have given no respite so far and even in these games risk compromising the rotation of the pitchers. For example, the use of Paredes in race 2 is not certain. “We are in line with expectations – says the general manager, Mario Chiarini –. As newly promoted players, the balance sheet is positive with three victories and as many defeats. Then, looking at the individual matches, other evaluations can also be made. penalized by the absence of Paredes in the last two rounds: without the foreign starter it is clear that we had to make some adjustments. We would have had a better chance with him available. It must be said that we started the season with a very cold climate, but there are injuries everyone and these are things to take into account in view of Padua, we will see until the end if we can recover someone, but without taking risks because this is certainly not the time to take them”. Padova, which is tied with New Rimini in the standings, has so far proposed Arcila (3-0, 1.31 average points average) and Martinez (0-3, 8.47) as starters. In the box the most dangerous are Novello (400) and Pestana (391).

2024-05-11 06:45:10
#Serie #baseball #Rimini #Double #challenge #Padova


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