At 0.00 hours this Friday, May 17, “An Unexplainable Thing” was released, the anthem for the 120th anniversary of football in the city of Málaga, the work of ‘El Kanka’ and María Peláe. The song is part of a series of events that the Boquerón club has promoted in honor of the aforementioned anniversary.

The Malaga singer-songwriter explains that it has not been easy: “I must say that it has not been an easy task, because I had the pressure to live up to it and it is not every day that one faces a challenge like this, but it has been a process of connecting with my roots and my very beautiful home, and I have done it as always by putting my heart on the table. I didn’t want (nor were they looking for) a standard anthem that fell into clichés, so I tried to make a song, one that was as good as possible. A motivating, poetic, singable, even beautiful song. The slogan for the 120th anniversary is “It’s inexplicable, but it explains everything,” and I think it’s extremely accurate. It defines not only the team, but the city, that’s why I used it as a catchphrase to describe a team with ups and downs, far from the elite. A charismatic and surreal team. A tremendously attractive antihero. And I wanted to reflect the feeling of belonging to that hobby, which is a kind of irreducible resistance.”

Discover how the anthem sounds and its lyrics, now available on different digital platforms.

A whistle blows in the wind

of a billion sabers,

a fierce feeling,

something inexplicable.

Even if fear attacks us.

even if it goes up or even if it goes down,

Courage is our creed,

something inexplicable.

And with a broken throat

we have come to win,

but ‘let’s’ celebrate

until defeat.

Today I want to see you shine

with the waves…

That whatever has to happen,

you are not alone.

Endurance as a flag,

today I caught my father

crying in La Rosaleda,

something inexplicable.

The ball is in the air,

we will return tomorrow

to explain the inexplicable

and let my sister finish it off.

And with a broken throat

we have come to win,

but ‘let’s’ celebrate

until defeat.

Today I want to see you shine

with the waves…

That whatever has to happen,

you are not alone.

2024-05-16 22:40:47


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