Navigating the Uncertain Future of Young Talents at Olympique de Marseille

Zapping Onze Mondial EXCLUSIVE: the “Little Brother” interview with Randal Kolo Muani!

Since OM won the Gambardella this weekend against Nancy (4-1), the question that inevitably follows is whether the Olympian club, which is having difficulty bringing Minots into its club, will be able to exploit this promising generation. It’s not that simple according to the team. Negotiations between several young talents and Olympian management would be complicated. Yanis Sellami (17 years old), Darryl Bakola (16 years old) and Enzo Sternal (16 years old) are among the players that OM would like to extend. But on unclear conditions when Sternal, in particular, arouses a lot of interest elsewhere. Goalkeeper Aboubaka Dosso (18 years old), performing well in Gambardella, only received an offer of a trainee contract, generating frustration. Discontent is amplified by unclear progression plans, pushing Dosso towards departure.

OM management displays firmness

Despite these tensions, the management of OM, under the leadership of Pablo Longoria and Marco Otero, remains firm. Longoria and outgoing general manager Stéphane Tessier had expressed their desire to promote training, with a gradual integration of young talents. However, Longoria does not give in to agents’ demands for excessive contracts, insisting on the need for young people to prove their merit without automatic guarantees. This position creates a gap with the expectations of players seeking clear perspectives, but OM persists in its rigorous training and integration strategy.

Read also

OM: the magnificent welcome from the supporters for the kids

OM: terrible observation in the quest for the new coach, a decisive week in sight?

To sum up

Pablo Longoria received good news this weekend, but it also puts pressure on the president of OM who must manage the cases of several players. Indeed, the young people who shone during the Gambardella have a unclear future in Marseille.

2024-05-27 07:41:45
#thorny #issues #put #Longoria #pressure


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