Navigating the Challenges: The World of Judo Therapists and Chiropractors

6 problems faced by judo therapists and chiropractors

Judo therapists and chiropractors face various problems in their work. Here, we will introduce the problems faced by judo therapists and chiropractors.

  • People don’t understand the difference between a judo therapist and a chiropractor
  • long working hours
  • Poor communication with customers
  • Concerned about one’s own technical ability
  • Accumulation of physical fatigue
  • Reservation is batting
  • Let’s check each one.

    1. People don’t understand the difference between a judo therapist and a chiropractor

    Judo therapists and chiropractors tend to be recognized as the same profession because the content of their treatments is similar.

    but,There are differences between judo therapists and chiropractors in terms of treatment content, whether they are covered by insurance, and where they can work.

    Judo therapists are required to have a national qualification.

    To work as a judo therapist,Must have a national qualification

    In order to obtain a national qualification, you must meet the examination requirements and pass the national qualification. Eligibility for taking the exam is to have acquired the knowledge and skills necessary to become a judo therapist for at least three years at a university or vocational school.

    The exam mainly focuses on questions related to body structure such as anatomy, physiology, kinesiology, general clinical medicine, and orthopedics.The pass rate for the national exam held on March 3, 2024 was 66.4%.

    After obtaining a national qualification, it is common to work at an osteopathic clinic.

    Judo therapists’ treatments are covered by insurance (some treatments are not), and can mainly treat fractures, dislocations, sprains, bruises, and contusions. For example, the use of casts to fix bones in the event of a fracture,You cannot use it unless you have a Judo therapist qualification.
    *For fractures and dislocations, a doctor’s consent is required for outpatient treatment after first aid.

    What a chiropractor can’t do

    Chiropractors do not need national qualifications like judo therapists.You can work as a chiropractor even if you are not qualified.

    However, since it is considered difficult to treat customers’ bodies without knowledge of the body’s structure and certain treatment skills, those working as chiropractors must obtain private qualifications through vocational schools or correspondence courses. It seems that many people do.

    A chiropractor cannot perform the medical treatments that a judo therapist can.The main treatment content is to improve discomfort and relaxation using the whole body and manual techniques to treat distortions and pain in the customer’s body.It becomes.

    • Judo therapist: Treats injuries to bones, joints, and muscles using manual techniques and special equipment.
    • Chiropractor = Using the whole body and manual techniques to improve relaxation and physical ailments, enhancing the natural healing power

    It will be easier to understand if you have an image like the one above.

    Additionally, the occupation of anma massage shiatsu therapist is often confused with that of a chiropractor.
    Anma massage shiatsu therapists also need national qualifications, just like judo therapists.You can perform massage actions using your hands and fingers, such as “massing, kneading, rubbing, stroking, and tapping” (sometimes this may be painful).

    If a chiropractor were to perform this kind of massage, it would be a violation of the “Ahaki Law” (the law concerning anma massage shiatsu therapists, acupuncture therapists, massage therapists, etc.), and penalties would be imposed. Therefore, caution is required.

    2. Working hours tend to be longer

    Judo therapists and chiropractors tend to work long hours per day.

    Business hours vary depending on the clinic, but are mainly divided into morning sessions from 9:00 to 12:00 and afternoon sessions from 3:00 p.m. Some clinics are open until around 9:00 p.m. at later clinics. It seems that there is also.
    If the total detention time becomes longer, many facilities take measures such as increasing break times.

    In addition, even outside of business hours, it is expected that there will be duties such as cleaning and office work before opening and after closing, so there may be days when you may have to work overtime if the treatment is not completed after business hours. .

    Work styles by employment type

    If you want to work as a judo therapist or chiropractor, you need to consider what kind of conditions you would like to work under.

    There are three types of employment: full-time, outsourced, and part-time.

    The advantages and disadvantages of each form of employment are summarized below. These advantages and disadvantages apply not only to judo therapists and chiropractors, but also to people in other professions.



    full-time employee

    • Fixed salary and stable income
    • receive legal benefits
    • Labor Standards Act applies
    • There may be an upper limit on income due to salary regulations.
    • Not being able to freely decide work hours and work location

    Business entrustment

    • High degree of freedom in working hours and locations
    • In many cases, the system is performance-based, and you can earn a high income depending on your skills and sales skills.
    • Income is likely to be unstable
    • The Labor Standards Act does not apply in the case of applicable work outsourcing.
    • You need to pay your final tax return and pay social insurance premiums by yourself.

    part-time job

    • Most work on an hourly basis, meaning you only earn money for the amount of work you do.
    • Labor Standards Act applies
    • working hours are limited
    • Difficult to earn much because of hourly wage system

    If you want to earn a stable income every month, it would be best to work as a full-time employee, which is subject to the Labor Standards Act and has plenty of legal benefits.

    On the other hand, if you want to work with a certain degree of freedom, contracting out work may be suitable for you, as there are no restrictions on when or where you can work.
    In the case of outsourcing, you may be able to expect to earn more than a full-time employee by honing your skills.

    Part-time workers have the same employment contract as full-time employees, so they have the advantage of being able to work in an environment where the Labor Standards Act applies, such as joining social insurance and taking paid holidays.
    However, in many cases, employees are paid by the hour and can only earn money within a limited amount of time, so it is often difficult to significantly increase their income.

    Overtime hours vary depending on employment type

    If you work as a judo therapist or chiropractor under a business outsourcing contract, you can decide your working hours at your own discretion, so it is possible to work in a way that does not involve
    However, if you are a full-time or part-time employee, you may be required to work overtime based on your contract.

    Business hours and working hours vary depending on the clinic where you work, so it is difficult to generalize, but overtime hours and fixed overtime wages may be listed in the salary section of the job posting, so be sure to check. Sho.

    For example, if there is a statement such as “Fixed overtime pay is 25 hours, and overtime will be paid separately,” assuming that you work 20 days in a month, there is a possibility that 1.25 hours of overtime will occur per day. You can catch it.

    In order to avoid problems such as “I found out that I would be working overtime” or “I had to work more overtime than I expected” after actually working, we recommend checking before applying or during an interview.

    3. Poor communication with customers

    The work of judo therapists and chiropractors requires treatments tailored to the client’s needs for a variety of physical symptoms.

    As mentioned above, judo therapists and chiropractors are able to perform different treatment ranges, so there is a possibility that there may be treatments that a chiropractor cannot provide in response to a customer’s request, making it difficult to understand the content of the treatment. There may be cases.

    It is also expected that we will receive complaints such as “symptoms getting worse” and “symptoms not getting better after treatment.”
    Possible causes of complaints include technical issues, prior counseling, and misunderstandings in communication.

    We tend to think that customer complaints = bad things, but if we change our way of thinking,It is also considered to be an opportunity to improve and improve your technical and communication skills.

    Through daily practical experience, you will hone your treatment skills and your counseling and communication skills to perform appropriate treatments.

    4. Worried about your own technical ability

    With the spread of telework and spending time at home, the number of people complaining of lower back pain and stiff shoulders is on the rise.It is predicted that the work of judo therapists and chiropractors, who can provide peace of mind and body and improve ailments, will increase in the future.

    As the mental and physical concerns and needs of customers increase, there is a possibility that appropriate treatment skills tailored to the symptoms will be required more than ever before, so many people are worried about their own technical abilities.

    Expand your skills by acquiring private qualifications

    One solution to differentiate yourself from other clinics and gain an advantage is to obtain a private qualification related to your practice.
    Especially for chiropractors who do not need a national qualification, obtaining a private qualification will not only broaden your range of skills, but will also give you an advantage in finding employment and attracting customers.That’s probably true.

    In the case of judo therapists, just because they obtain a national qualification does not mean that they will immediately acquire the skills to perform high quality treatments, so it is important to satisfy customers with the knowledge and skills that they currently possess. It seems that many people are feeling anxious.

    Examples of related qualifications are as follows.

    • Judo therapist: Obtain a private qualification as a therapist who can provide healing by extending the treatment.
    • Chiropractor: Aim for a national qualification as a Judo therapist or obtain a private qualification

    It goes without saying that you can hone your skills through daily practice, but if you obtain a private qualification and apply it to your practice, it will lead to customer satisfaction and improve your own skills. Please look for any private qualifications that can be utilized in your current practice.

    5. Accumulation of physical fatigue

    The work of judo therapists and chiropractors puts a lot of strain on specific parts of the body, such as the hands and wrists, during treatment, and as a result, there are many cases where fatigue accumulates without us even realizing it.

    We will introduce the symptoms that often appear to judo therapists and chiropractors.


    Judo therapists and chiropractors are said to be more prone to tendonitis.
    There is a big problem with tendonitis.spring finger“and”de Quervain’s diseaseThere are two types, each with different symptoms.

    Spring finger is a type of tendonitis that causes pain at the base of the fingers of the palm. Symptoms include a sensation of a stuck finger when bending the finger deeply, or a sudden snapping sensation when the finger is straightened.

    DeQuervain’s disease is a disease that causes inflammation of the tendon on the thumb side and the tendon sheath of the wrist. Symptoms include pain when moving the thumb and swelling of the wrist.

    For example, when a judo therapist performs treatment to restore bones and joints to their original state, they use manual techniques to apply a certain amount of load to the affected area, while at the same time applying continuous force to their own fingers and wrists. Masu. When this happens repeatedly, fatigue accumulates in the fingers and wrists, leading to tendonitis.

    lower back pain

    Even judo therapists and chiropractors seem to suffer from lower back pain.

    There are various causes of back pain, but judo therapists and chiropractors may have to lift the client’s body or support it for a certain period of time during treatment. In addition, there may be situations where the procedure must be performed in an unnatural position.

    Due to these factors, it affects not only the fingers and wrists, but alsoIt also puts a strain on my lower back.It is.

    6. Reservation is batting

    You have to be careful when batting reservations.

    A possible reason for the batting is that we have multiple reservation methods such as telephone, internet, and LINE.

    For example, in a clinic run by one person, if two customers come at the same time, they will not be able to receive treatment at the same time, which will cause inconvenience to the customer. There is also a risk that customers will not visit the store after the second time due to batting.

    In order to prevent reservation conflicts, it is important to thoroughly examine and manage reservation media.

    Being a judo therapist or chiropractor is rewarding.

    While the work of judo therapists and chiropractors has its share of challenges, there are also many rewarding situations.
    Here, I would like to introduce you to the rewarding experience of working as a judo therapist or chiropractor.

  • No more panicking in situations where first aid is required
  • You can contribute to the physical health of those around you.
  • Improves communication skills
  • Wide variety of skills that can be acquired
  • You can feel the growth
  • It’s a job you can do for a lifetime
  • Receive feedback directly
  • Let’s check each one.

    1. You won’t panic when first aid is required

    Judo therapists are familiar with the structure of the human body and how to deal with problems when they occur, so if you come across a situation in your daily life that requires emergency measures, they will be able to respond without panic. Sho.

    Also,Judo therapists have a wide range of activities and are increasingly taking on the role of trainers in the sports industry.It seems that.
    For example, in the event that an athlete is injured during practice or a match and requires emergency first aid, through work you will acquire the ability to calmly judge and respond appropriately.

    2. You can contribute to the physical health of those around you.

    Once you acquire chiropractic skills, you will be able to perform appropriate treatments on people close to you, such as your family and friends.

    For example, you can give effective treatment to your parents who suffer from back pain, or give accurate advice to a friend who is suffering from stiff shoulders.
    The good thing about working as a judo therapist or chiropractor is that you can experience using your skills to help people close to you.

    3. Improve your communication skills

    The nature of the job is one-on-one interaction with customers,You will inevitably have more conversations and improve your communication skills.

    In the case of a chiropractor, it is unlikely that one treatment will bring relief, so many people are likely to want to continue receiving treatment.
    In order for the person performing the treatment to continue to visit the store,Building a relationship of trust with customers is importantis.

    Accurate counseling skills to listen to customers’ concerns and concerns, technical skills to resolve physical ailments, and after-care support to encourage repeat business are required.

    In this series of processes, communication with customers is emphasized, so you will gradually improve your communication skills through your work.

    4. Wide variety of skills that can be acquired

    There are many qualifications related to chiropractors, and one of their characteristics is that there are many variations in skills.

    You can get a job with just one qualification, butIf you can obtain additional qualifications that are useful for your treatment, you may be able to obtain synergistic effects.. Furthermore, if you expand the range of work you can do, you will be able to differentiate yourself from others.

    Since you have more options for where you can work, your market value is likely to increase as well.

    5. You can feel the growth

    Judo therapists and chiropractors are jobs that require growth in treatment skills and communication skills.
    If you repeat the input of knowledge and the output of treatment, you will accumulate experience points and feel your own growth in the form of improving the symptoms of your customers.

    Also, it is sometimes important to work hard with colleagues to objectively view your own treatment and point out areas for improvement.

    6. It’s a job you can do for a lifetime.

    As long as you have the qualifications, you can continue working as a judo therapist or chiropractor regardless of your age.

    The more experience points you accumulate, the more your skills will improve.

    It is a career where it is easy to work at a salon etc. at first, hone your skills, and aim to become independent or open your own business in the future.
    If you open your own business, hire other employees, and expand your store, you can even increase your income.

    7. Receive feedback directly

    If you are able to improve a customer’s physical condition through your own treatment, you may receive a thank you note.
    By receiving feedback, I can feel that my skills have improved.

    The work of a judo therapist or chiropractor can be said to be rewarding because it allows you to work closely with customers to address their concerns and experience the path to improvement together.


    The work of judo therapists and chiropractors is an important job in which they take care of people’s bodies and perform treatments to improve their ailments, so those who have worries or concerns about their treatment skills or communication with customers. There seem to be many.

    However, if you gain practical experience, you will be able to improve your treatment skills and communication skills, and this is a job that you can work in for the rest of your life regardless of your age.
    Furthermore, if you acquire qualifications related to your skills, you will be able to expand the range of treatments you can perform, which will increase your options for where you can work.

    Although it is a profession that comes with many challenges, there are also many rewarding aspects, so if you are interested in becoming a judo therapist or chiropractor, please aim to obtain the qualification.

    2024-05-09 05:50:36
    #troubles #faced #judo #therapists #chiropractors #Introducing #ways #deal #rewarding #aresupervised #chiropractors #Hot #Pepper #Beauty #Work #Job #Change #Knowhow


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