Named sport is the Official Nutrition Partner of the Giro d’Italia – Sport Marketing News

Named sport, a sports nutrition company from Lesmo (MB) which is part of the Named Group, is the Official Nutrition Partner of the Giro d’Italia and with Ambassador Vincenzo Nibali – world famous champion – will launch a series of live broadcasts on company Instagram channel during the Giro. Today May 16th at 8.30pm the appointment with a new live broadcast.

With the column ‘Sport and Nutrition from Shark’, Nibali will be the protagonist of a series of live broadcasts and will be joined by Doctor Eugenio Genesi, a pharmacist specializing in Sports Nutrition, Nutrition and correct integration, as well as a huge following on social media thanks to the success of the ‘In Case Of …’, to delve deeper into some key concepts and provide useful advice, both for professionals and amateurs, regarding the management of hydration, the recovery phase, and recharging energy during a race or training.

A weekly report card, ‘The Shark’s votes’, will also be published on company social networks, in which the champion will give his votes in six categories, from the best sporting action to the most exciting stage.

2024-05-16 07:51:33
#Named #sport #Official #Nutrition #Partner #Giro #dItalia #Sport #Marketing #News


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