Musetti-Atmane all’ATP Roma 2024: gli highlights del match

Musetti-Atmane all’ATP Roma 2024: gli highlights del match

Italy loses one of its prized pieces Roma. Lorenzo Musetti he was in fact forced to retire at the beginning of the 2nd set against the Frenchman Terence Atmane, n°137 in the ranking. The blue had taken the field despite the physical problems which had influenced the day before: appearing very debilitated, the Davis champion fought as best he could in the 1st set with Italy, but at the beginning of the second he threw in the towel. “I tried, but I have no energy left“, the Tuscan justified himself to the chair umpire and his opponent. Atmane therefore flies to the 3rd round, a further drop in the rankings is expected for Lorenzo. For Paris it is urgent to regain the physical and mental shape of his golden days.


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