Munetaka Murakami Hits 200th Home Run: Limited Edition Goods Now Available!

Murakami, the mainstay of the Swallows, hit his 200th home run, becoming the youngest player in Nippon Professional Baseball history! ! ! We will be selling original goods to commemorate this great record. As this is a limited time item, please make sure you don’t miss out on your purchase.

Official Net Shop limited edition products
1. Munetaka Murakami’s youngest ever 200th home run commemorative replica uniform
Sales price: 15,800 yen (tax included)
→Click here to purchase
*This is a long delivery product.Please be sure to check the product description column
*Due to limited materials, sales will end as soon as the production limit is reached.

2. Munetaka Murakami, the youngest person in history to hit his 200th home run T-shirt
Sales price: 4,000 yen (tax included)
→Click here to purchase

3. Munetaka Murakami, the youngest player in history to hit his 200th home run commemorative logo ball (with case)
Sales price: 2,500 yen (tax included)
→Click here to purchase

4. Munetaka Murakami, the youngest person in history to hit his 200th home run commemorative face towel
Sales price: 1,800 yen (tax included)
→Click here to purchase

5. Munetaka Murakami, the youngest person in history to hit his 200th home run commemorative cushion
Sales price: 3,000 yen (tax included)
→Click here to purchase

6. Munetaka Murakami, the youngest person in history to hit his 200th home run commemorative mug
Sales price: 1,400 yen (tax included)
→Click here to purchase

7. Munetaka Murakami, the youngest person in history to hit his 200th home run coaster
Sales price: 800 yen (tax included)
→Click here to purchase
Sales location/sales period
Sales location: Official Net Shop
Sales period: May 16th (Thursday) 17:00 to May 23rd (Thursday) 23:59

・Product images are for illustrative purposes only. The appearance may differ from the image depending on printing conditions etc.
-Uniforms are products with long lead times, so they cannot be purchased at the same time as other products.
・Although we are preparing to receive many orders, the sales period and shipping time may change depending on the number of orders.
・Shipping fee (tax included: 815 yen) will be charged separately. However, if the total purchase amount per purchase exceeds 11,000 yen (tax included), shipping will be free.
-Products will be shipped as soon as all purchased items are received.

2024-05-16 14:03:42
#Order #sales #commemorative #goods #Munetaka #Murakami #youngest #player #Japanese #professional #baseball #history #hit #200th #home #run #Tokyo #Yakult #Swallows


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