MSV Duisburg: Masked Duisburg fans storm the interior – game against Aue interrupted

Football coach cries on TV

Masked Duisburg fans storm the interior and hurl smoke bombs at the police

Status: 12.05.2024 | Reading time: 2 minutes

The third division game in Duisburg had to be interrupted for a long time after a storm

Source: dpa/Revierfoto

Ugly scenes took place at the last home game of the season between relegated Duisburg and Aue. Masked fans hurl smoke bombs at people. The third division game has been interrupted for a long time. Duisburg’s coach is in tears.

Angry fans of MSV Duisburg caused a one-hour interruption to Sunday’s third division game against Erzgebirge Aue. With the score at 2:2 (0:1) a few minutes before the end of regular time, a gate in the home corner suddenly opened and masked Duisburg supporters stormed into the interior and set off smoke bombs that flew towards the police and security forces.

An advertising board was knocked over, stewards and police officers were pelted with pyrotechnics and other objects and were probably physically attacked. The police were able to push the rioters back into the block using irritant gas. When the group of people inside tried to get into the square again, police officers pushed them back into the block. There were also apparently riots in the area around the stadium. According to information from “Reviersport”, there were several injured people who had to be treated by paramedics in front of the stadium.

The game was interrupted for around an hour due to the heated atmosphere. “That makes me incredibly sad. The focus should be on sport and not on violence,” said Duisburg coach Uwe Schubert in tears at MagentaSport. Shortly after 4 p.m. – two and a half hours after the game kicked off – the stadium announcer announced to the cheers of the fans that the game would start again at 4:15 p.m.

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The game actually continued at 4:18 p.m. Many spectators had already left the stadium. The players’ return to the pitch was accompanied by whistles. The game ended 2-2. The former Bundesliga club Duisburg had already been relegated to the fourth division before the penultimate matchday. MSV fans had already stormed the pitch in the 3:5 defeat in Lübeck the previous week.


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