Milan, Reijnders: ‘Next year we want to win the scudetto’. Video

Our goal next year is to win the scudetto“. He has clear ideas Tijjani Reijndersmidfielder Milan, who spoke at the Gentleman Fair Play Award in Milan. “It’s a shame that we didn’t succeed this year because that was our goal – he continued. We started well, but then we lost too many points against teams within our reach.” The Dutchman then analyzes the season: “The most difficult moment was when Inter won the Scudetto in our home country. But we shouldn’t think about the past, it’s better to look to the future. We have to learn the lesson not to lose more points in certain games.”

“Change of coach? A decision that is up to the club”

Reijnders subsequently spoke about Pegs: “He is an excellent coachI have a great relationship with him. For me he is an important person both on and off the pitch, it helped me a lot to settle in. This year the team had many new elements and we had to work to get to know each other better, next season things will be better because the group will be more united and we will achieve better results. Change of coach? I can’t say anything, it’s a decision that is up to the company. We footballers have to concentrate only on the pitch.”

1970-01-01 00:00:00
#Milan #Reijnders #year #win #scudetto #Video


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