Megawati Brings Jakarta BIN to Beat Pertamina, Gia is Just a Spectator

Jakarta, CNN Indonesia

Megawati Hangestri Pertiwi successfully led Jakarta BIN to beat Jakarta Pertamina Enduro in the 2024 Proliga. Giovanna Milana was just a spectator in this match.

Jakarta BIN successfully beat Jakarta Pertamina with a score of 3-0 (25-17, 25-21, 25-20) at GOR PSCC Palembang, Friday (10/5).

The duel between the two teams is in the spotlight of Indonesian Proliga fans because each of them is strengthened by Red Sparks stars, Megawati and Gia.



Unfortunately Gia was forced to be absent due to injury in the series in Semarang. The United States volleyball star could only watch his team’s defeat by Megawati cs.

This result made BIN score its second win in the Palembang series after winning the previous day over Jakarta Electric PLN, 3-1.

“After experiencing two defeats, as a team we corrected our shortcomings and rotations so we could perform better,” said Mega when interviewed after the match.

Mega also admitted that she was not disappointed in failing to face her best friend, Gia, who was forced to be absent due to injury.

“I’m not disappointed because it was fate. Hopefully we can meet again as teammates or in another competition,” Mega added.

[Gambas:Video CNN]


2024-05-10 15:50:13
#Megawati #Brings #Jakarta #BIN #Beat #Pertamina #Gia #Spectator


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