Medieval Archery Tournament at Polignac Fortress: A Must-See Event on May 25-26

Panaveyre’s companions are preparing to welcome several dozen medieval archers next Saturday May 25 and Sunday May 26, at the Polignac fortress.

On the fortress esplanade, this meeting has become a real must-see over the years. As proof, this largest medieval archery tournament in France was full of registrations in just 15 days.

Surprising tests

“This is unheard of,” explains Raymonde Vidil, president of the association. Before, it took us several months to be complete. This year, we experienced real enthusiasm! More than 120 archers will compete in a friendly atmosphere in the different events that we imagine throughout the year. This promises a great show, especially during the finals where the suspense will be at its height! “. The organizers and participants will offer a real break in time to all visitors: medieval costumes, wooden bow and arrows, reconstruction of medieval events, etc. Around fifteen original and surprising shooting ranges will challenge the most valiant archers. Without a doubt, you will have to put all your passion into winning the points everyone hopes for.

From the poisoned flower to the wall of straw via the poppy tavern, each archer will have to perform feats.

At the end of the tournament, the grand final will once again allow all the participants to be pitted against each other.

Practical. The tournament will take place on Saturday May 25 from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Sunday from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m., the finals will begin from 2 p.m. Price: entry to the fortress only.

2024-05-23 04:00:00
#Time #big #archery #tournament


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