Maxence Caqueret’s Slip of the Tongue Fuels Lyon’s European Hopes

Winner of Clermont this Sunday (1-0), OL can still believe in a European future next season. To do this, we will have to win against Strasbourg next weekend, a meeting towards which Maxence Caqueret already seems to be looking. Present at the microphone of Prime Video this Sunday, the Lyon midfielder expressed his hopes of victory, before giving us a nice slip of the tongue.

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«We didn’t feel in danger (facing Clermont) even if they had some situations that could have hurt (…) We will have to be ready for this last match because we have something to look for. It’s up to us to win this last match, we know that we don’t necessarily have our destiny in our hands but we will do everything to beat Strasbourg and get this European place, before playing in the European Cup… Uh the French Cup“. Revealing slip?

Pub. on 05/13/2024 00:12 Updated on 05/13/2024 01:45

2024-05-12 22:12:02
#Maxence #Caquerets #slip #final.. #European #Cup


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