Mavericks Edge Out Timberwolves in Thrilling Game 2 Victory

The Dallas Mavericks have won their second away game against the Minnesota Timberwolves in the NBA playoffs and increased their chances of reaching the finals of the North American basketball league. The Texans won the second game of the Western Conference Finals 109:108 (46:60), with superstar Luka Doncic scoring the winning shot three seconds before the end of the game.

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The next two games of the best-of-seven series will take place in Dallas, with the third game next Sunday. If the Mavs win both games, they will be in the NBA Finals for the first time since 2011. Back then, they won the championship with Dirk Nowitzki as their leader.

Doncic became the match winner: Three seconds before the end of the game, the Slovenian hit the three-pointer to beat Minnesota’s Rudy Gobert, who was named the league’s best defender this season. Doncic also achieved his fifth triple-double of the playoffs with 32 points, 13 assists and ten rebounds. Former Dallas superstar Nowitzki wrote shortly after Doncic’s final shot on X: “Wow.”

Respect from the coach

“I just tried to get to my favorite spot and take a shot on the back foot, I trust that shot,” said Doncic about his game-winning three-pointer. “As you’ve seen many times with Luka, he loves that stage, he doesn’t run away from it. He played great the whole game,” said Mavs head coach Jason Kidd, paying tribute to his leader.

Doncic’s co-star Kyrie Irving also played well: The playmaker scored 13 of his 20 points in the fourth quarter, including a three-pointer before Doncic’s game-winner. The Mavs turned the game around with a 30-22 lead in the final quarter, and were still 16 points behind in the middle of the third period. Anthony Edwards (21 points) scored the most points for the Timberwolves.

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The Dallas Mavericks have won their second away game against the Minnesota Timberwolves in the NBA playoffs and increased their chances of reaching the finals of the North American basketball league. The Texans won the second game of the Western Conference Finals 109:108 (46:60), with superstar Luka Doncic scoring the winning shot three seconds before the end of the game.

The next two games of the best-of-seven series will take place in Dallas, with the third game next Sunday. If the Mavs win both games, they will be in the NBA Finals for the first time since 2011. Back then, they won the championship with Dirk Nowitzki as their leader.

2024-05-25 06:37:50
#Basketball #Doncic #throws #Dallas #victory #NBA #playoffs


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