Matera-Martina: thinking about Bledar and the next season

Matera, fresh from two consecutive victories, gained at the expense of Fidelis Andria and Casarano, faces Martina for the penultimate day of the championship, looking for points to reach the play-off objective. For the last day at home, on the steps of the XXI September – Franco Salerno There are approximately two thousand spectators present on a hot and sunny Sunday afternoon.

The Curva Sud, for the last internal challenge, is sold out and starts cheering well straight away. Characteristic is the view of the bare-chested boys in the sector, in the first half of the game banners are displayed to remember who is no longer there but also to announce who has just arrived. The support runs at good levels, even when their team is at a disadvantage, with the choruses pushed to the end and a nice visual impact is given by the blows during the choruses.

In the second half the support becomes more and more incessant, the clapping to the rhythm of the drums is also well executed and some torches are also lit. At the same time, on the pitch the match becomes more and more exciting, with the home team not only managing to catch up with the guests but also taking the lead, only to be caught again by the Apulians in injury time. At the end of the race, a banner is also displayed which clarifies the next sports season or, better said, the square’s expectations regarding it.

Approximately 200 supporters of the biancazzurri arrive from Martina, positioned compactly inside the away sector, they perform their singing repertoire in support of the eleven on the pitch, in a continuous and incisive manner for the entire ninety minutes, even when they find themselves at a disadvantage. In addition to the vocal support, he stands out for his hand clapping with his arms high, beautiful to look at and rhythmic with the drum. The sector appears quite colorful thanks to the patches hanging on the balustrade and the flags waved continuously.

On the pitch the match ends 2 to 2, with Martina retaining second place in the standings while Matera manages to gain fifth position.


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2024-05-06 13:35:13
#MateraMartina #thinking #Bledar #season


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