Manchester United Stuns Manchester City in FA Cup Final: What’s Next for Soccer’s Mancunian Clubs?

Sensation at Wembley! This Sunday, Manchester United defeated Manchester City in the FA Cup final (2-1). An unexpected success for the Mancunian club in view of its season in the Premier League with a disappointing 8th place which allows it to qualify at the last minute for the group stage of the Europa League, a competition in which OGC Nice, also owned, is also involved. of the INEOS group.

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If the UEFA regulations tend to prohibit two teams of the same owner from competing in the same competition in Europe, the Gym, via the petrochemical giant, has been calm on this issue. “We are aware of the position of both clubs and we are in direct dialogue with UEFA. We are convinced that we have a solution for next season”indicated INEOS on the antennas of RMC.

Pub. 05/26/2024 1:46 p.m. Updated 05/26/2024 2:24 p.m.

2024-05-26 11:46:37
#Nices #participation #called #question #Manchester #United


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